Swimming - ImmortalAnex

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Since the weather was so nice and it was free, Aleks and Kevin had spent the day swimming in the hotel's outdoor pool.

Now, though, it was getting late, which is why they found themselves on the deck, dried off and dressed, just relaxing.

"It's nearly dark out," Aleks said, standing up. "We should head back to our room." He held out his hand for Kevin's.

Kevin reached up and took it, pulling himself up.

"Yeah, you're right," he said.

They started to walk towards the doors that would lead them back into the hotel, passing first by the edge of the pool.

"Hey, Kevin," Aleks asked, pausing as they neared the deep end. "You didn't bring your phone did you?"

"No," Kevin said slowly. "Why?"

"No reason," Aleks answered, turning swiftly and pushing Kevin backwards into the pool.

He laughed loudly when Kevin surfaced, flailing and splashing wildly.

"Goddamnit, Aleks, you fucker!"

Aleks only laughed louder. Kevin swam to the edge of the pool and held out his hand.

"At least help me out," he said.

And Aleks, being the nice albeit oblivious person that he was, knelt down and took hold of Kevin's hand, fully intent on pulling him out when --


It was Kevin's turn to laugh now when Aleks surfaced.


"That's what you get."

"Now we BOTH have to walk back to the room soaking wet."

"Well... Yeah."


idk have this

it was better in my imagination

this is

i mean i guess its like comic relief but the bad thing is next so like

i'll put up the thing when i'm home tomorrow

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