Chapter 31

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Chapter 31: Marlowe

I cut a hole in the wire mesh that surrounds the balcony, and climb onto the concrete railing.

"Stay here, watch the door." I tell Jon.

The roof is covered with gravel. I set up my rifle quickly. I peer through the scope at the larger building with balconies.

Easton, Toni, and Avi are waiting outside the pet store. Toni and Easton stand in front of Avi in a protective shield, holding their weapons.

"You're clear. Go ahead and cross." I report into the walkie talkie.

They start to shuffle across the street. Easton turns back and looks at me. I blow a secret kiss to him, but he sees me. He catches it and hold his closed fist to his heart. I laugh.

I am still smiling at him when I spin around see a large group of infected pounding on the glass of a small office building a few buildings behind the pet store. The glass cracks, and finally breaks. My smile fades. They burst out, almost 20 of them, and easily run down the empty street.

"Jon!" I call down. "Shut the balcony door, there's a pack coming down the street."

His response is a slam of a door,

I turn back to make sure Easton and Avi have made it inside.

Instead, all of them are standing on the street looking at me unknowingly.

"Zeke! Get inside, go!" I shout.

They can't understand me. I bark into the walkie talkie. "Biters! On your six!"

They all spin around simultaneously, and see. The boys sprint to the door. Avi struggles to catch up, but trips. Toni scoops her up without hesitation, and they run to the door. Easton struggles with the door and jiggles the handle in frustration. The hoard gets closer, and there are more than I thought here were. They ignore the pet store and head towards the boys and Avi.

I jump onto the ground and take aim. I don't let any get past the middle of the street, but they just keep coming.

Some slip past me and Toni slices their heads off with ease.

"Get moving!" I gasp into the walkie talkie. "Shake 'em!"

There are less of the infected, but still a large amount.

I wonder why there are so many. Maybe there was a quarantine at some point,

Suddenly, the side door opens and an older man ushers them inside. A zeke gets ahold of him, but lets go when he stabs it in the head.

"Are you okay?" I ask desperately. The final biters pound in the side door, and I take them out with ease.

No response.


"We're fine, he's looking at Avi now."

After about 10 minutes, he radios again.

"Minor sprain, should be fine in a couple weeks or so. I---" There is growling on the other line, and I expect the worse.

"Toni? Easton?"

The radio comes back on, and I can hear Toni swearing. More growling.

My heart beat quickens. "They're gone, they're gone. Jon I can't reach them." I breathe quickly. I peak down at Jon.

"No, no they're probably fine."

"There are zeke on the other end of the line!" I almost shout at him.

"Listen, the streets probably clear now. I'll go check it out. Maybe they ran out of battery and that was just interference."

I nod, still looking down at him. He gives me a sad smile, then lifts Nikki up and hands her to me.

"Be good, baby." He says to her. Before I can say thank you, he is already into the street.

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