Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Marlowe

My mouth is too full to even acknowledge Avi. She seems angry, and I'm not really sure why. But when she sees me eating she shuts right up and joins in, cramming her mouth with the buttered toast.

The bacon... Its delicious. I haven't had it in such a long time. My taste buds dance each time I take a bite. We have been eating canned food for-- I don't know how long. The eggs and the bacon, toast, and orange juice! He has orange juice!

I'm beginning to like this Reyes guy.

He watches us eat, but his gaze is sad, and almost loving, like the way a father looks at his children. I let him keep watching as I stuff my face.

I thank him as I wander to the front door, hunger satisfied.

After breakfast, I walk outside to go check the packs. Sometimes it makes me feel better just knowing we have our things with us; almost like a home. I round the corner of the house to where the barn is, where I left my pack against the side.

It's gone. Where my pack used to be there is only a bare dusty clearing on the ground.

He took it, I know it. He's taken supplies. I'm so stupid I can't believe I let it happen! This is my fault, I even told him what was in them... What was I thinking? I hit the side of the barn in frustration. "Miss? I moved your bags last night, thought they'd be better off out of the wind... I, uh, also put some things in it. For when you guys head out." Reyes says, walking towards me. "I didn't mean to scare you like that."

His half smile seems genuine. He motions for me to follow him, where he has propped the backpacks up against the back door of his house. I unzip mine and take a quick look inside. He's added medical supplies, nice ones, like antibiotic cream and ibuprofen, along with several filled bottles of water and a couple sandwiches, cut into triangles, just like Avi's grandma used to do.

I turn, unsure what to think. "Thanks. For everything."

Reyes replies, "You are very welcome, hon."

"Marlowe." I say, feeling uneasy with the familiarity of 'hon'. I awkwardly stick out my hand in introduction. He takes it with his rough, large ones, and gives it a quick squeeze, beaming.

He's very genuine, and has a warm heart. If I had any doubts about him before, they've disappeared along with my coldness towards him.

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