Chapter 27

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It has been 3 months. At first it was hard to manage both school and the kids but eventually we worked it all out. Now we only have one week left of school and we are both spending nearly every night here. While we are away we have bracelets that light up if there is even the slightest problem. Only the lighting up is hardly noticeable by anyone. It could almost pass for a shimmer if you don't know what you are looking for. 

Quinn can be a brat, but she has a great heart. You just have to give her time and she can prove to be a lady. She loves watching me do things and she hardly gets in my way. She just watches with attentive eyes. 

Logan has a great bond with Draco. I think she is such a character. Her hair is by far the longest.  By her first birthday I bet it will be down to her butt. She is a quick learner. A real brain that one has. 

Brittney has a huge heart. She sometimes just stares off blankly at random things and then she will smile really big. 

Cova is a star. She seems to love them just as much too. Sometimes in the dead of night I go to check on the others and she is wide awake. I take her out of her crib and I crack the window just a little. She leans her head back and just looks at the stars in admiration. It is now a little tradition. She is my galaxy. 

Jazzy is a character. She acts like she owns the place. As if it were her own. She is gonna attract them boys too with all of those freckles and that attitude. 

All of them have their own personalities that are all so very different. I love all of them with every part of my heart. Draco feels the very same. I know that is true. It seems as though our happy ending is around the corner although I know this isn't true. Perhaps maybe I am wrong and this is it. 

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