Chapter 13

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The the weeks start to become less until summer and I start to get nervous. Maybe I am doing this to get back at my family. Maybe I am doing this because I actually want to. Maybe it's the way he looked at me and I couldn't help it.

Whatever it may be, I know that what I said to him that day was true. And I had known it since the beginning.

When the last day of school finally creeps up on me I am ready. I pack my clothing and I look around the room one last time. Then I think about someone I haven't thought of for quite some time. Emily. What will she think when she hears about this next year. I have to tell her because no matter how much we have fought I owe this too her.

I find her by the station. "Emily, can I talk to you for a second?" I say. She turns around and scowls as soon as she sees my face. "What, I don't have time for this." She hisses. "I just wanted to say that I am going to be spending the summer with Draco. I wanted to tell you before anyone else got to and-" Wham! She swings her fist right into my face. Making me unbalanced, clutching my eye. It stings and I can feel the bruise already forming around the swelling.

"What the hell?" Draco is behind me. He his holding onto my arm keeping me from falling into the tracks and getting hit my the incoming train. "I hope you are very happy together." She snarls at him. "Oh we will be. As for you? I don't want you coming near me as long as you live or we are going to have some real problems." He threatens.

Draco helps me onto the train and sits me down in an empty compartment. "I'll be right back." he says. I press my burning cheek to the window hoping it is slightly cooler then the air but it doesn't seem to be. Draco come back with a bit of ice. I don't bother to ask where he got it from.

"Thank you."I say. "Shhh. Don't talk, it opens the cut up more." He says pressing it against my cheek. "I can do it-" I start. "Shh!" He holds it to my cheek and sits next to me. As soon as the ice melts I start to fall asleep Draco is watching me, I can tell, but I don't mind.


Draco is shaking me gently and I open my eyes. "Time to go. Are you sure you want to do this? Last chance to just ditch." He says. "I'm sure." I say resting my hand on his arm.

When we got off the train and a car is waiting for us. I follow Draco into the back seat. Before I do I see Ron across the way. His face scrunched up in a deep scowl and he is holding his suitcase handle with a bloodless white hand. I give a tight swallow before stepping into my new life.

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