Chapter 24

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My clothes are stained with blood that isn't mine. I barley hear Snape come in. I barley hear the sirens on the transporting helicopter. I barley hear the witch paramedics telling me that it is serious.

I just cling to him as tight as he is clinging onto life. And my tears are for the world. My screams are hardly audible over the spinning chopper. As soon as we are at st. Mungos I have to get off so they can take him back.

I see their mouths moving but I can't hear what they are saying. I can't tell what's happening. Eventually somebody just lifts me off of him with great difficulty. But the clearest part of it all is the sound of the gurney wheels screeching around the last corner taking my world away.

I sink into the floor. The nurses swerving to avoid me. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years seem to pass. I think of Mrs. Malfoy and I peel my stiff, soaking, drenched body from the floor. With shaking legs I waddle over to the desk and blindly ask to send out a letter. I scramble a note that reads:

Draco is in the hospital come quickly

I fold it up and give it to the desk again and stumble into a chair. In about 5 minutes Mrs. Malfoy rushes through the doors with a look of concern. She marches to the desk demanding to see her son. I give a fruitless attempt to call her over.

Eventually she sees me and her look of worry deepens. "Ginny! What on earth has happened?" She shouts engulfing me within her arms. "Draco got hit with a curse." I choke out. She doesn't bother to ask because I can't tell her anyway.

At that moment a nurse comes out to us. "Mr. Malfoy has obtained severe injury to his liver, lungs, heart, small intestine and spinal cord. Due to the quickness of getting here and his young age he should recover with little to no permanent damage. However he must spend the night. You can see him now." She gives us a fake staged smile and clicks her heels away.

We follow her back through the doors and down a line of identical rooms. Draco's room is near the end and as we enter I am the first to rush to him. He isn't awake yet but I can see what the nurses have been doing. His torso and neck are stabilized and wrapped. The bleeding has slowed and his IV is inserting blood.

I slide into the chair next to him and get ready to be there all night. Mrs Malfoy stands awkwardly. "I have to be going, but will you tell him I stopped by?" She asks. I nod as she kisses him and leaves.

I am alone and I realize I could have lost the most important thing in the entire world to me. I let out a small sob. "Don't cry." He whispers. I pick my head up and can't help but laugh and kiss him gently.

He drys my eyes with his sleeve and pats the bed next to him. I climb in, careful not to hurt him, and rest my head next to his. The day takes over.

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