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When we arrive at the manor a house elf comes to take my bags. I thank them before they disappear with a pop. "This way." Draco says leading me into the dining room where his mother is sitting. She is sitting at the far head of the table with a burning fire as the only light source in the dark room. "Sit." She says, waving her had.

Draco and I take a seat next to each other at her end of the table. "Now as you know, we have important matters to discuss. But first off, what on earth happened to your face Ginerva?" Mrs. Malfoy says.

"Call me Ginny, and it's nothing, Mrs. Malfoy." I say looking down. "It's not nothing, I'll take care of it." She says. I open my mouth to protest but Draco squeezes my hand under the table. I close my mouth again and listen.

"So...Ginny you swear by the power of Magic that you will become a part of this family and that you will do of what we ask whatever that may be?" She says expecting my answer. I look to Draco before directing my attention back to Mrs. Malfoy. "I do." I say.

"Good then we may get started. The wedding will be this summer. It is arranged for to be in two weeks. It will be small but it will be a normal Malfoy/Black tradition. For the dress it will be the same as what I wore. You will be the only two people in white to emphasis the fact. And I know this seems like a lot at once, but we have to ensure the fact that you are part of this family." She says.

"Of course." I say looking at the man next to me. I smile and realize that this will be good. I look back at Mrs. Malfoy. "There is one more thing. Draco and you are expected to become Death eaters by the end of the summer. "

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