Chapter 15

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I blink and nod slowly. Draco looks at me horrified that I'm agreeing. Mrs. Malfoy smiles at me before leaving the room without another word. "Ginny...I'm so sorry. It's my fault. I dragged you into this." He says. I hug him tightly. "It's ok we will figure it out. We are in this together now." I whisper. His eyes glisten with tears. Tears real actual tears. I would never have thought of the day when I saw Draco Malfoy cry. But now that it is happening all I want to do is help him through it.

His shoulders shake as I hold him. "It's ok." I say, knowing the tears are because of me. "I...I don't think I can be alone tonight." I say. He nods, "Me neither." I follow him up the stairs to his room. We just lay down together on his bed and I asleep before I know it with his arms around me.


The next day Draco shows me around the Manor and we are both very upset so we are happy for the company. We are mostly silent for the weeks up until the wedding. I not sure it may be shock.


On the eve of the wedding we dress up for a dinner hosted by Mrs. Malfoy.

I stand looking into a full length mirror looking down at myself. I am wearing a tight black dress with 2 inch heels making the height difference between Draco and myself less. My cherry red hair is in a bun with wavy pieces framing my face.

"You look lovely." Draco says coming up behind me. He kisses the top of my head and grasps my hand gently. I look at us together standing in this mirror dressed this way, acting this way and I think back to when he kissed me that very first time.

We were happy then and there is no reason why we can't be happy now. "Draco, we can be happy you know. This doesn't have to be the end of life. It should be the beginning. We are getting married tomorrow." I say smiling for the first time in two weeks.

He smiles back. "We are getting married." He picks me up and spins me in a circle making me laugh.

The door swings open. "They are ready for you now." Mrs. Malfoy says before closing the door behind her. I hear he heels clicking all the way down the hall. I straighten Draco's tie before taking his hand as we make our way down to dinner.

When we arrive everyone seems to be already seated. Mrs. and Mr. Malfoy are at the head of the table and next to them is Bellatrix Lastrange. "Ooh good your here." Bella says. I clench Draco's hand tightly as we sit down. "We have a lot to go over."

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