Chapter 16

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I wasn't aloud to see Draco today. Mrs. Malfoy said it was bad luck. I am standing in one of the many rooms on the third floor of the Manor outlooking the garden though a set of french doors that are always open. The house has many beautiful rooms but this is one of my favorites.

I look down at myself in a full length wedding gown. It is a lovely lace and silk covered in tiny flowers. It is bright white and strapless. I feel like a bride today. Even though my days haven't been the brightest lately, I feel like a bride today. This is the one thing that is holding me together, this wedding.

Mrs. Malfoy comes in and helps me with my hair. I leave it in a curly bun. She makes me give her a spin. "You are a beautiful bride Ginerva. You are lucky to have my son." She says, stone like.

When it's time she leads me down to the back of the house where everyone is waiting. Light piano music plays as I lead myself down the isle. It is unlike a traditional wedding where the bride and groom are the only ones on the alter and the bride is the only one walking down the isle. The audience is dressed in black making it seem more like a funeral then a wedding.

Most of the people I don't know but I assume they are close friends because there isn't that many. I see Draco which isn't that hard since we are the only two in white. He is smiling his real smile. When he looks at me as I step up next to him the whole world disappears. The music fades away all the people are gone and it is just us standing looking at each other.

"Hi." He says. Usually in silence you hear a buzz which is how you know it is silent, but there is nothing there. "Hi." I say back. "You look gorgeous." He smiles. "As do you my love, as do you." I return it. "How is it that I am this lucky? I must have been good to deserve you." He says meeting my eyes. "You were good." We share a smirk. "May I kiss you?" He asks. "As I am your bride I think that is ok." I say. And he does.


I look down at my hand. The ring Draco slide on it is absolutely stunning. It is a white silvery color with a sparkling diamond. It not too big but it's not too small either. His is the same but without the diamond of course. This is it. I am married. Unlike other weddings thats it there is no after party or anything. Everyone that was there is starting to leave and says goodbye to the Malfoy's who only had three to there family when they got there and now have four.


When I go up to my room that night to change I stand and look at myself for just a second longer. "What's wrong?" Draco says from the doorway. He comes over to me. "It's just...when I take this off I am afraid...I won't get to be this pretty again. Like this is the best you are gonna get you know?" I sigh. "Now that's were you have it all wrong. This dress isn't why I married you. The makeup the hair, it isn't why I married you. I married you because I love you for who you are on the inside. Not that I don't love your body because I do, but that's sure not all there is to you." He takes my face in his hands and kisses me hard on the mouth.

I smile into his hands, for I may not have wanted this life to begin with. And I may not have thought I was going to have anyone or anything anymore. But even though I have had some rough patches at least I have this as my rock, my foundation, as my safe haven. At least I have him. And maybe that's all I need.

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