Chapter 23

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I have made up with Hermione and it's better. I don't think we will regularly talk only because it's just easier for everyone, but we don't avoid a small smile in the hallways.

Draco has been extra careful with me and making sure I have had enough to drink and that I have been taking care of myself for our little ones sake.

I haven't really thought that much about it yet. Where will we go? Where will we live? What will I do during the day? What will happen when I have her because I have to miss some school?

Emily avoids me at all costs. I'm sure it had something to do with the Malfoy's but I leave it be because I can't afford anyone to be suspicious.

"Hey Ginny!" Blaise come up behind me. I smile at my old friend. "How are you?" I ask politely. "Good. But I just wanted to ask actually. Are you and Draco together now?" He says. I don't even have to answer, but I hold up my hand to show him the dazzling rock that rests there.

A wave of sadness crosses his face. "Oh..." he says. He looks at me and suddenly kisses me. I shove him back. "Blaise! I'm married, clearly the ring didn't give that away?" I shout.

"I had too, at least once." He said, glumly. I glare at him and then breath deeply. "I am extremely in love with a man whom will not be pleased to hear about this." I remind. "You are going to tell him?" He says now looking angry. "I have to. This isn't a secret that I am willing to hide." And with that I turn on my heal and walk up the stairs with my hand on my stomach.

As soon as I am out of sight I start running. I run right into Draco. "What's wrong?" He says frantically. "I have to tell you something, but you can't freak out or react in any way." I say as he nods slowly. "Blaise kissed me. But I shoved him back and put him in his place." I say.

His once concerned face turns to total rage and he starts off in the direction I came from. "Where are you going?" I beg. I hold onto him arm but his willpower is too strong. I step in front of him which makes him stop for a moment.

Blaise is just down the hallway talking with another fellow Slytherin. He doesn't see us but Draco is staring him down. A few feet down the hallway is a broom closet that Draco takes my arms and drags me into shutting the door behind us.

"Please listen. You love him! He is your best friend!" I say trying to change his mind. "No. I will not let him ruin our marriage and our babies chance at a family." He huffs. "Listen to yourself. You sound crazy. I don't remotely feel anything for him and you know that." His eyes soften.

"I know that love." He touches my hair. I hug him realizing that I have prevented an unwanted battle. "Now we are starving. Would you please escort me to lunch?" I say, pointing to my stomach. He smiles as we make our way, with our hands intertwined, to the great hall.

The only problem is that as soon as we get there Harry Potter is standing across the room with Katie Bell. He throws a look of disgust and rage in our direction. Katie too is looking at us but her state is more confused and blank.

Then my stomach drops as I realize he know. Draco is already out of the room with me right behind him. He turns left then right until I get dizzy. I hear faint footsteps behind us. As he pushes his way into the bathroom I don't bother to care that it's the guys bathroom and just walk right in.

He is standing at the mirror with his face more pale then usual. He loosens his tie and let's out a quiet sob. I don't speak I put my hand on his back and pull him into my arms as a hug.

The door swings open and Harry stands there. "It was you. Wasn't it?" He says. Draco whips around and throws a spell in his direction. I stand stunned in the corner and let them fight it out. I look down and see my shoes turning red. My heart jumps forward and I rush to the other side of the bathroom.

Draco is laying in a pile of blood. So much blood.

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