Chapter 6

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I have not seen Malfoy since that night and everyone is coming back to the castle today. I'm excited to see Emily, but my feelings are a blur right now and I can hardly concentrate on what she is saying as she runs off the train to engulf me in a hug. I plaster a fake smile on my face and ask about her vacation.

There is a feast tonight and classes start up again tomorrow. Halfway through the feast a certain blond walks up to us. "Emily may I steal you away for a moment." Malfoy says. He nods in my direction before Emily stands up and follows him out. A few minutes later Emily sits back down and continues eating.

"What was that about?" I ask. A strange burning sensation takes over me like fire and looking at Emily I feel as though a switch has flipped. "Nothing...well if I might add he is a good kisser." She says smirking over at Malfoy. For a moment I want to push her face into the apple pie she has began eating.

"Oh yea." I look down at my food and seem to have lost my appetite.


That night I lie awake thinking about his lips against hers. I sit straight up in cold sweat. I look over at Emily who is fast asleep. I creep out into the common room unable to sleep.

Except someone is already there.

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