Chapter 20

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I enter the dining room as I have many times before, but this time is different. This time there are many death eaters filling the whole table and Voldemort is sitting at the head of them all. Sitting coiled up next to him is a huge snake.

My heart leaps at the sight of this all. I might pass out. I try to grab Draco's hand but he pulls away. I understand why but it still makes me sigh. "Sit." Voldemort's snake like voice says. We do as he says. "Ahh our favorite couple has arrived. Alas we can start." This causes the others to laugh.

Voldemort puts one hand up and it silences them immediately. He then smiles as he pets his large unusual reptile with one hand. "Now lets continue, place you forearm on the table with your wrist up." He says. I glance at Draco before hesitantly doing as he says. With one swish of he wand the dark marks start for form.

It is a excruciating pain that I would not wish on anyone. I try and keep a straight face which is very hard. Draco looks fine until I look into his pain filled eyes. Finally the sensation subsides a bit. I still hurts a lot. "Now, that you are one of us you must prove your loyalty. Kill Dumbledore and you shall be rewarded. Fall to do so and you shall be punished. Leave my sight." He hisses.


I lay with Draco in the french room. We are sitting on the balcony wrapped in a blanket. My head is resting on Draco's shoulder. "We have to go back to school tomorrow." I say, stating the obvious. He nods. "I am going to go pack." He gets up leaving me alone on the porch. I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror. My wrist is still red but the pain is much less now.

Suddenly my stomach hurts and I throw up into the toilet. Probably just nerves. I sit down on the floor by the toilet in case it happens again. I open a cabinet next to me reviling something odd. There are cleaning supplies in here and then further back I find a pregnancy test. I pull it out examining it, the box looks fairly new.

I open on and decide to test it just for the fun of it. I sit waiting for the result. I pull it down off the counter and what I see makes my heart sink. Holy Shit. Oh my god. This can not be happening.

I triple check that I read it right. Then I test two more sticks just to be sure. This can not be happening. I look down at my wrist and remember what I just signed up for. I can not provide a life for a baby! This can not be happening.

I hear a knock at the door. I am screwed.

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