Chapter 10 : Accidents &Apologies

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*Essie's POV*

i was on the bus on my way to Taliah &Mia's house &some old guy kept looking at me >_< eww . I kept trying to act like i didnt see him , but he was staring HARD as hell . I felt beyond uncomfortable . I got off the bus fast af when my stop came . I stepped off the bus and was like 3 blocks away from their house &i saw a bunch of people in the street screaming surrounding someone lying on the ground i didnt know what was going on so when i got to their house i started banging on the door but no answer . The i heard somebody scream Mia's name and it was DayDay , i rushed over to the crowd of people and saw him cradling her in his arms and there was blood everywhere . I was ready to break down and cry ! I kneeled down and tried to help stop all the bleeding while we waited for the ambulance . When it finally came i was crying and surprisingly so was DayDay . When we got in the hospital they rushed her to the ER and they wouldn't let me in. They dont get that i have no clue what happened to my cousin &why we're even in here . I want answers ! I sat next to DayDay and asked him what happened .

"please please tell me what happened." i said somewhat sobbing .

"she uh, we were at the park and we broke up."

I cut him off "what !?"

"listen. We broke up. But she said she already knew what was happening and she said that she understood why we were breaking up hen she started walking home , and so did i &then i heard a car screech and a crash &i turned around and saw her lying on the ground &i ran for her ." he explained.

"i cant believe this is happening right now." i said pushing my hair from infront of my face with both hands.

I had to call my aunt and uncle &Taliah so they can get over here quick.

*Taliah's POV*

I ran out of the school fast af . It was kinda like a field day &some people came to school . I thought Kev wasnt gonna come hut he did . I ran away from him &Lang as fast as possible. When i finally got out of the school Essie called me.

"Hello?" i said trying to catch my breath.


"what's wrong with you ?" i asked

"it's Mia. She's in the hospital." she said sniffing and sobbing

I almost dropped my phone &was scared to ask why. But i just took a deep breath and responded.

"What happened ?" i asked.

"she got hit by a car."

I could feel the tears building up in my eyes &i iust ran back in the school to look for Lang. I found him on the floor. I bent down and just shook him so he could wake up.

"Langston! Wake up ! Please !"

I almost smacked him to wake up but he woke up quick &stopped me.


I stood up and helped him up off of the floor. I started crying thinking about Mia.

"whats wrong? Did he hit you again?"

"no ! We gotta go to the hospital now !" i said grabbing his hand and pulling him.

"why!?" he said stopping and pulling me pver to him

"Mia got hit by a car ! We have to go NOW " i said.

We both ran to the bus stop and the bus came quick as hell &we were on our way to the hospital. By the time we got there, everybody was there ; Julian, DayDay, Essie, Alisa, Sierra, RaeRae, Joely, Vicky &my mom and dad. I ran over to my mom & dad and hugged them tightly . I cant believe this was happening. I sat down and cried as we all waited to here news from the doctors . We were sitting there for 2 hours before someone came out to tell us about how Mia's doing.

"Are you he family of Mia?" he said as he came out with scrubs with blood all over them.

Me , my mom &dad all stood up &said "yes" .

"it didnt look like she was going to make it through at first.."

My heart dropped when he said that

"But she did . She suffered from internal bleeding near her rib cage but we were able to stop the bleeding before it could reach her lungs. She's fine now. She also had a few broken bones but now she's in her room resting."

"How long will it be before she can come home?" my mom asked hugging on to my dad.

"it'll be about a week until she recovers"

"Ohh thank god" my dad said sighing in relief.

"you all can go home now. She needs her rest."

"okay" my mom said

When everybody walked on to the hospital elevator, Lang stopped me.

"ayee, you wanna go to the beach with me?" he said wrappong his arm around my shoulder.

"right now !?"

"yes right now !"

"i dont know..."

"c'mon ! Pleaseeeee ." he said giving me the puppy dog face

I thought about it for a quick second then just gave in

"alright. Lets go." i said .

We waited for the elevator to come back up to the floor we were on , got on , and then we were on our way.

*RaeRae's POV*

everybody was jam packed in this elevator. Taliah's family , my friends. I feel real guilty being in the same place as Julian &Alisa. When we got off of the elevator and walked into the lobby i pulled Alisa over to the side.

"RaeRae what are you doing?" she said folding her arms.

"I wanna apologize"

"You cant be serious"

"Can you at least listen?" i asked.

"You expect me to listen to you after you tried to kiss my boyfriend !? You fucked up Me &Julian's relationship &the friendship i HAD with you ." she blurted out .

"Look i understand that, but im soooooo sorry. Like words can't describe. I know how much you like Julian &i'm sorry that i tried to ruin what yall have or had. You're my bestfriend &i dont want anything to effect how close we are."

"You know what. You got some nerve. Kiss my ass, backstabber." she walked passed and gave me the worse look ever and left.

*sigh* this is crazy. If she doesnt wanna even bother to forgive me, than i guess that shows how strong of a "friendship" we had . Ohh well . All i can do is blame myself for what happened . Imma just leave her &Julian alone until all this shit blows over.

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