24. Lonely

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This chapter may contain some sexual stuff. So...be warned. I'm sorry. I don't want to write this, but it's crucial for the plot. Not really but...yeah.

Clementine pulled on her chains, not able to ignore the pain in her wrists. She hung there, losing hope that Lee would find her.

Her pupils constricted as light flooded into the room. Dan and Christian walked into the room and unlocked Clementine from her chains. She was forced out the door and led into a room that looked like an office. Sparky was sitting in a chair in front of a desk.

"Orange!" He exclaimed. "What. A. Pleasure."

Dan and Christian walked out of the room, but stayed at the door. Sparky got up and walked over to Clementine. He grabbed her chin and looked into her golden eyes with lust.

She stared back into his brown eyes with hate. She wished death upon him.

He grabbed her hand and placed it over his member. She scrunched up her face and pulled her hand away. Sparky chuckled and pulled away from Clementine.

"How old are you, Orange?" He questioned, sitting back down.


"Ah. Only four years younger than me. Do you—or did you, have a boyfriend?" He questioned, grinning.

"Yes. He's older than you, and much more fucking mature." She barked.

"Now, now. Orange." He chuckled. "Don't be rude with me." He stood back up again and pulled off his shirt. "It's getting hot in here, don't you think?"

"No. I'm quite cold actually." Clementine stood shivering in her bra and underwear.

Sparky chuckled and dropped his pants.

Then he hurt her and hurt her and hurt her.

Clementine cried in her cell as she thought about Lee. She wanted to cry in his arms all night. She imagined him beside her.

"Clem, you have to escape. You could take that pin over there and unlock your cuffs then choke Sparky in his sleep."

"Kenny?" She looked over and saw Kenny sitting beside Lee.

"That's too violent. She could just escape without killing them." Lee objected.

"They hurt her. She's lost her purity." Kenny harshly retorted.

"But that's not the way I raised her." Lee fought back. Clementine watched as Lee and Kenny attacked each other and when Kenny was about to stab Lee in the chest, they disappeared.

Clementine woke up to the feeling of fire creeping up her throat.

She heard three familiar voices from outside of her cell. She glared at the door as they walked in. Sparky came into view, smirking. He pulled up a chair in front of Clementine and clasped his hands together.

"Hello, Orange." He smiled. "I have a great plan to tell you."

Clementine glared at him, not saying a word. "Can I have some water, please?" Her voice was hoarse.

"Oh, yes. Christian! Water!" He yelled. Christian scrambled towards Clementine and held the bottle up to her lips. She chugged it down, not leaving one drop. "Now, with my plans. I'm demanding ransom for you. Your community is going to give us all of their supplies in exchange for you. Then, we won't give you back. I'd like to keep you for myself." He smirked while talking.

"You won't get shit. We're going to kill every. Single. One of you. And you'll never know what hit you." Clementine looked him in the eyes.

Sparky chuckled. "Christian, stay in here with the girl. Dan, Gary, and I are going to take the truck to gather up our weapons." Sparky got up and he left with Dan, closing the door. Christian sat down in the chair.

"Let's escape." He whispered to her. She looked up at him, not believing his bullshit.

"Stop trying to trick me." She lowered her head. She felt her healing cuts pulling and itching on her bare skin.

Christian pulled out a key, and unlocked her arms. She looked at him with surprise and held herself. The burning in her shoulders soothed, but it wasn't gone completely.

Christian went over to the door and turned around. "Stay right here. I'll be back to get you." He walked out and shut the door. About thirty minutes passed until he showed up again. "Come on." He motioned for her to come out the door with him. "We can't go to Wellington just yet. I have a hideout place a couple miles away from Wellington. You can hide out there, and I'll come every week around Wednesday at noon."

They got into a little car.

Christian brought her to a tiny cottage, about two hours away from his community. "Here's some supplies to live off of." He brought her inside.

"Did you bring clothes?" She asked him.

"Here." He dug in a bag, and handed her clothes back. They were washed and cleaned. "I've collected a whole bunch of water over the years. There's a tub full of water you can wash yourself in."

Clementine took the clothes and went into the bathroom where he told her the tub was. She stripped out of her bra and underwear and took out her messy hair. She didn't have her hat, it was back at Wellington where she dropped it in the closet.

She washed the dirt out of her hair and off of her body. She washed the dry blood off her and stepped out of the tub. She dried off, put her hair in the holders, and put on her clean clothes.

"Thank you, Christian." She smiled at him when she sat back down.

"No problem. I hate how Sparky is so rude to women."

"Speaking of women, where are all of your girls?" She asked.

"Sparky raped and killed all of them. Even the little girls. Jerry, an older man, was put in our jail when he raped a little girl but it was 'fine' for Sparky to do so." Christian explained.

"Is his name really Sparky?" Clementine giggled.

"No, his name is Obadiah Sparky. He hates his first name, so he goes by Sparky." Christian chuckled. "I can't believe Dan and I were friends with him before shit went down."

"Are you and Dan brothers?"

"Yeah. He's my older brother. I'm two years younger than both of them." Christian looked at his watch and stood up. "I have to go now. See you later."

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