18. Them Again

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Ross grabbed Phoebe by her hair, and Phoebe let out a shriek. She pulled Ross's hand off and turned around. I aimed my gun at his head, and he put his hands up.

"No no no no! Don't shoot!" He exclaimed. How?! He's a walker!!

"What the fuck?! How are you alive?!" I exclaimed.

"Am I dead?" Ross asked.

"Yes! A walker to be exact!" Kenny told him. Ross laughed. He's a walker.

Luke stopped, and I pulled Ross out of the trunk. There was a lost girl on the side of the road. I saw she was almost dead. I pulled Ross down, and he immediately chomped down onto her neck. She instantly died. Everyone was watching.

"See? You're a walker." I told him.

"Oh." He wiped his mouth and stood back up. "Well then. What do we do?"

"I don't know. We could use you. As long you don't eat us." Lee suggested. We walked back over, and got back into the car. Kenny was driving now.

I woke up cuddled in Luke's arms. I really, really, like him. I couldn't imagine life without him. He's also so hot!! Luke squeezed me harder and I let out a sigh.

"Can you hug me a little less tighter." I said to him. I giggled and he loosened his grip on me.

"Sorry." He chuckled. I turned around, facing him. "You're so beautiful, Clem."

I started to blush. "Stop, Luke." I giggled. "I'm really not."

"You are though. And I love you. I'll never stop loving you, you beautiful, gorgeous, smart, girl. You're mine. And let's make it official. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me. He was blushing like a tomato.

"Of course!" I hugged him really tight. When I released him, his lips crashed onto mine. I love his kisses. They make me melt into his warm embrace.

I kissed him back and closed my eyes. I felt so safe surrounded by all of my friends.


Clementine woke up to everyone yelling. The whole Luke asking her out thing was just a dream. She mentally laughed that she had a dream within a dream when she thought about the Ross thing.

The group was all out of the car. Clementine looked at AJ. He looked back at her. She got out of the car, and went around to AJ's side to get him out. She had him in her arms while reaching across for her hat. Someone grabbed AJ out of her arms, she dropped her hat on the ground while turning around.

It was Dan, Doug, Frank, and Monica. "Oh hey guys!" She exclaimed.

"Ssh. Keep it down. Walkers might hear." Monica shushed her. She had AJ in her arms. Clementine turned back around to get her hat, when she felt arms pulling her back up.

"Haha. What're you doing?" Clementine asked nervously.

Dan tied her arms up behind her back and gagged her mouth. Her eyes widened in fear and shock. Dan and Doug walked her to a Jeep. They put her and AJ in the trunk. They got in the front seats, and started the engine. She screamed for Lee, but all that came out was a murmur.

They hit a large bump, Clementine flew out of the trunk and onto the road. She landed on her ankle. She felt it crack, a pain shot through her leg. She sat up and looked at it. It was in a weird position. She looked back and saw the jeep carry on. "Shit! AJ!" She kinda said.

Clementine moved her mouth letting the gag fall to her neck. She bit the knot out of the rope, and untied herself. She untied the gag. She breathed in and out, and stood up. Clementine attempted to walk, but immediately fell back down. She screamed in pain. She felt her ankle twist even more.

She looked down knowing what she had to do. She took a deep breath in, she twisted her ankle back into place. She screamed out, attracting walkers. She reached around in her pockets for a weapon. Nothing. They were all in her backpack.

Clementine stood up and limp-ran down the road, wincing in pain. There were about five of them. They were getting closer and closer...then she tripped. One was about ten feet away. She crawled away and looked back. It fell on top of her.

She tried to push it off of her and then a shot rang out. The walker was killed. Clementine pushed it off, four more shots rang out. She looked as every last one of them fell to the ground.

She was helped up by two boys. She turned around. One of them had blonde hair and the other had brown.

"Ouch. That looks like it hurts." The brown one said.

"Yeah. It does. Who are you?" Clementine asked.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Devin." The brown one said.

"I'm Matty." The blonde one said. "Short for Matthew."

"I'm Clementine. Clem for short." She said. "Have you seen a group with a white SUV?"

"No, why?" Devin questioned.

"Oh. That's my group." Clementine answered.

"So, how'd ya get here?" Matty asked.

"Well, I was getting my...brother AJ out of the car when we were kidnapped. We were put in the open trunk of a jeep. Of course I was tied up and AJ wasn't, mainly because he's still a baby. Anyways, we hit a bump, I flew out, and twisted my ankle. I had to pop it back in place, I obviously screamed, and I attracted walkers. Thank god you two found me." She explained.

"Yeah." Devin said. "Let us take you back to our group. We can help you."

"How many of there are you?" Clem asked.

"Just three more." Matty replied.

"Okay. Do you guys, by any chance, have a car?" Clementine kinda chuckled when she said that.

"Oh, actually, yes." Devin replied. He and Matty looped their arms around her shoulders and led her, a short distance, to their car. It was a beat up old green truck.

They got in and drove about thirty minutes to a building. It looked old and about to collapse. The boys helped her out and took her inside. "Guys! We found a girl!" Matty yelled.

"Seriously?!" She heard someone say. She watched as the three boys walked into the room. They're back...again!!

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