1. North

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A/N I wrote this three years ago so if you find any errors or I need to change something PLEASE comment and tell me I would really appresciate it.

"Clem?...Clem..." Lee walked into the room and smiled when he saw the young girl sleeping. He looked at her chest rising and falling with every breath she took. She looked so peaceful.

She's turning 14 tomorrow. Lee thought that Christa would have to be her motherly figure and teach her everything a young lady needs to know.

He walked over to her and kissed her forehead, then walked back out, closing the door behind him.

Omid walked up behind Lee. "Hey, I was thinking...we should probably find another place to stay at. It doesn't feel safe here anymore in the city." He suggested.

Lee nodded his head, "I was thinking the same thing. I want the best for Clementine. We should talk to Kenny later, but for now, let's focus on finding food." They walked down the stairs, and out the back door.

Ben and Kenny were outside fighting as usual. "Kenny, Ben! Stop. You two are always fighting..." Omid exclaimed, breaking up the fight. Kenny had pure fury in his eyes, his fists were balled up. He walked inside while Ben stayed out.

"Why is he always getting mad at me?" Ben groaned.

"He's just having a hard time." Lee reassured him.

"Well he needs to stop taking it out on me!" Ben shouted.

"Ben! You could draw walkers!" Lee whispered. Ben's face dropped and he rubbed his arm, realizing his mistake. Ben could sometimes be careless, thinking of the present and not caring about the future.

"We are going out to try and find more food. Do you want to come?" Omid asked.

"Sure. Anything to restrain from fighting with Kenny." Ben answered.

"I'll go tell Kenny to watch over Clem and Christa." Omid said while walking inside.

"So, do you have any idea where we could look?" Ben asked.

"I don't know. We need to find Clem something for her birthday. I want her to forgive me." Lee said.

Ben blushed and turned away. Lee wondered what he's so nervous about.

"I was thinking about going to Ohio. There's a place called Wellington up there." Ben suggested.

"Sure. We'll talk about it later with Kenny. But right now, let's think about our safety on the supply run."

When Omid came back out, the three walked down the streets and found only a couple things. A pink camo gun and matching pocket knife. He found some ammo that fit into the pistol. Lee also found 4 twinkies and a bag, and they found two boxes of frosted flakes. They got pretty damn lucky. Lee knew it wouldn't always be that way.

It was starting to get dark, so they decided to go back.

They were about two blocks away when a girl in a black hoodie came running from the Ally.

"You gotta help me! I only had one weapon, but I dropped it in a herd of walkers." She exclaimed.

"Sure!" Ben agreed to help her.

"Ben, we don't know if we can trust her." Lee snapped.

"Please! You have to help me! I know a great place where we can go!" She retorted.

"Ssh. Keep it down. We will help you." Lee shushed her.

"Kenny's not gonna be too happy with this." Omid mumbled.

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