2. Molly...

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A/N idk why but I put a lot of time skips in this chapter. I was not very experienced when I was 12 😂😂😂

It had been three days since the group left. Lee could see Clementine was getting tired, so they set up a camp. Molly and Lee had night watch.

A couple walkers came by here and there, Molly and Lee taking them out as they came along.

"You go to sleep. I can handle this on my own." Molly told Lee when she noticed him yawn.

Lee looked over at Clem. He yawned again. "You sure?"


He usually wasn't one to give in, but he was damn near to passing out. Lee crawled next to Clementine and slowly closed his eyes, letting sleep take over him.

Lee awoke to screaming in the distance. He looked around. Molly was no where to be seen, neither was Trista. No one else was awake.

He lifted himself off of the ground. "Molly? Trista?" There was silence. Only the tree frogs chirping and the crickets singing.

About five minutes later, Lee heard a familiar hissing. He looked to the direction it was coming from to see Molly fighting off a, very ugly looking and fat, walker.

"Molly!" He ran over to her and tore the walker off. She smashed its head in with her boot.


"No problem."

She looked down at her arm, her face dropped with fear. Lee saw the color on her face vanish as her jaw dropped.

"Wh-what?" Lee asked.

"No...no no no NO!" She cried. He looked at her arm and saw a deep, bloody scratch running down the middle of it.


They were back in a city. Molly had decided to keep her scratch a secret until it was time to be put down. She was having a hard time staying awake, and she was increasingly getting warmer.

They were walking down an alley when all of sudden they heard numerous groans, indicating there was a herd of walkers nearby.

Ben opened a door, "In here!" The group piled through the door and into the room. Lee took note it was a pharmacy, and decided he would try and raid it in the morning.


Lee had woken to Clementine forcefully shaking him, panic written all over her face. "Walkers are in here! There's a lot of them!" She yelled at Lee.

Lee jumped up and grabbed Clementine's hand. He started to follow his group when he heard Ben scream "Help!"

A walker had him. Right as Lee was going to save the shitbird, he got dragged back by a walker where Lee couldn't see him anymore.

"Come on, Lee! There's no hope for that kid!" Kenny yelled.

Lee ran behind Clem, guilt ridden. He knew that would be last they ever went into a city.

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