19. Badass

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"Brandon! Jack!" Clementine called out.

"Oh, you guys already know each other." Matty said.

"Well, she doesn't know him." Jack pointed to the third guy.

"I'm Fred." He said. He was a bit older, maybe in his mid fourties.

"I'm Clementine." She said. He smiled and she looked over her shoulder. There was a couch.

"So Fred is a doctor, he can fix you right up." Devin told her.

She sat down with Frank following. "What happened, Clem?" Brandon asked her.

"I fell and twisted my ankle." She replied. Fred kneeled beside her on the floor.

"Well, it's swollen." He stated the obvious.

"I had to pop it back into place." She told him.

"She's a strong girl." Devin commented.

Fred brought out an ankle brace. "How'd you get that?" She asked him.

"Shit went down when I was in my office. I managed to keep my truck and filled it with medical supplies." He explained.

He put the ankle brace on her and gave her some crutches. She thanked him and laid down for a bit on the couch.

"Where's the group?" Jack asked. All of the boys were sitting around the room.

"Lost them." Clementine answered.

"If you don't mind me asking, how?" Brandon questioned.

"We had a car and everyone was outside of it, besides me and AJ. I got him out and we got kidnapped by a group I met along the way to California. AJ and I were in the open trunk of a jeep, and I fell out. AJ is still with that group and I have to find him." She explained.

"Who's AJ?" Fred asked.

"He's—" Clementine cut Jack off.

"My baby brother." She answered. Jack and Brandon smiled towards her.

"What does AJ stand for?" Matty asked her.

"Alvin Jr. After his dad." Clementine said.

"So...you guys don't have the same dad...?" Matty questioned.

"Different parents. I was with his parents before he was born. His dad died and his mom died from loss of blood from giving birth to him. I picked out his name since his mom died before she could give him one. We are like siblings." Clementine said.

"So where's your hat?" Jack asked her.

"Still back with Lee." She told him.


Clementine woke up to frantic panicking. "Clem!" She saw a blurry outline of Brandon. He picked her up and ran outiside with her, crutches in hand. He put her in the backseat of the truck with the rest of the guys.

She was in way too much pain and she was sleep deprived so she fell asleep before asking what was wrong.


It's been bad without Clem. Kenny and Lee went into shock and have been doing nothing for the past two days. Lee keeps her hat with him at all times. I think Kenny is most shook about AJ, though.

Ross had to be put down, he tried to take a bite out of Rachel. We were driving down the road when I saw a vehicle in the distance on the other highway. It was a truck.

"Guys! Other survivors! Maybe they have Clem!" I had a spark of hope. Kenny and Lee did nothing but sit there. No one did anything.


She woke up to the boys loudly whispering. "Guys. You aren't whispering." She groaned.

"Sorry." Devin apologized. They were parked on a dirt road in the middle of the woods. "We found a rich looking group. Gonna ambush 'em"

"Why can't we just join them? More hands to help find AJ." Clementine questioned.

"It's easier just to take their stuff and kill them." Jack told her. She looked out the window. She could see a large bonfire in the distance and a couple of people.

They all quietly got out of the truck, not closing their doors. Fred hopped out of the back. "Stay here." Fred told her.

"No! I want to see if its the group that has AJ, and if it is, I want to be the one to get him back." She snapped.

They just stood quiet. Clementine got her crutches and led the way. She had grabbed a gun from Brandon. They approached the clearing and she stopped. So did the boys. "It's them..." She whispered. "Stay here, I'll handle it. Help me if it gets out of hand. Do not make a sound." She ordered.

Clementine walked up to the group, then hit Dan in the side of the head with her crutch. He fell to the ground, unconscious, with her crutch. Doug and Monica stood up. Frank stayed with AJ.

Clementine hit Doug in the balls with the other one and he fell to the ground. Monica grabbed her crutch out of her hand making Clementine fall to the ground. Monica swung at her head, but she dodged it. Clementine found Doug's pocket knife on the ground so she stabbed Monica right in the pussy. Monica fell to the ground screaming in pain.

Clementine grabbed her crutch back, and wobbled over to Frank. She pulled out her gun and aimed it at him. "Let AJ go." She growled. Frank aimed a gun at AJ's head and AJ started to cry. She looked forward and saw the boys. She nodded and they all came forward.

Brandon pressed his gun up against Frank's head, and pulled the trigger. Clementine snatched up AJ before Frank's body could topple over the baby.

Clementine leaned on her one crutch and watched as the boys killed the rest of the men that were somehow still asleep in tents. She picked up her other crutch, and it broke in half . "Shit." She muttered to herself.

Brandon took AJ out of her arm, Jack helped her to the truck. Fred and Devin sat in the bed so Clementine could lay down. She put her feet on Matty's lap. She cuddled AJ to her chest, and they both fell asleep like that.


"We're going to Wellington." I said to Nick. We were riding up front, with me driving.

"Don't you wanna find Clem?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, but I have a feeling wherever she is, she's going to make it. That makes me happy to know. We lose people. But I know for a fact, her and AJ are still alive. And if she listened to what I said about California, she listened to what Glenn said about Wellington. She'll be there." I told Nick.

"And if she ain't?" He questioned.

"Then when we have time, we'll find her. But for now, she'll be there."

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