20. Wellington

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—Two Days Later—

Clementine felt someone's hand graze her butt. She rubbed her eyes and saw Matty sitting beside her. She made eye contact with him and he started blushing.

They got out of the truck, Clementine hobbled up to the gates of Wellington. "What do you need?" A lady called down to them.

"We need somewhere to stay!" Fred called back.

"What're your names?" She asked.

They all hesitated. Clementine didn't trust this place quite fully. "I'm Christa, and this is Kevin!" She held AJ in her arms. "This is Ed, Chuck, and Omid..." She pointed to Fred, Matty, and Devin. "And Alvin and Carlos." She pointed to Brandon and Jack. She named off the men she missed the most in her life that had passed. But then, she realized she had forgotten Duck and Ben. How could I forget about them?

"Well go on in." The gates opened and the group walked in. A man walked over to them. He had blonde hair and stubble on his chin. He looked quite young.

"I'm Ben. I'll show you to Carter." Clementine took a good look at him. It was him alright.

"Ben?" She stared at him and watched as he turned around. "Ben!" She leapt on him and hugged him real tight. When she finally let go, he didn't seem to recognize her. She could tell why, because she had scars everywhere and her skin had gotten darker like her father's over the years, and most importantly she had aged.

She hugged her backpack in front of her chest. He caught a glimpse of it and finally realized who she was. "Clem?"

She smiled and Ben picked her up to hug her. "I thought you were dead!" She exclaimed. "Your arm. Didn't you get bit there?"

"Actually, yes. It wasn't bit by a walker though. A crazy man bit me, thinking he was a walker. There are some really crazy, druggie people out there. Don't become one." He chuckled. Clementine laughed a long with him. "Where's the gang?"

"I don't know. I got kidnapped and escaped and found my baby friend who was kidnapped too." Clementine looked down at AJ. He was asleep. Ben smiled at the sleeping baby, they continued on down the makeshift road.

They reached an office like building and a man was sitting in a chair. I kinda miss Danny. He was so nice. "Well what a nice surprise, Ben. Who do we have here?" He asked in a smoothe tone.

"This is Clem." Ben pointed to Clem.

"This is AJ, Fred, Brandon, Matty, Jack, and Devin." Clementine introduced the boys. She decided she wouldn't lie since Ben was here.

"Ah. A teenage girl in a group with four teenage boys, a grown man, and a baby boy. What a bad idea. Fred, you should take care of your daughter more. Unless you're all family." The guy said.

"Oh. He's not my father. None of us are related except AJ." Clem told him.



"I'm sorry, we didn't get your name." Brandon said, changing the subject.

"Carter." He said. Sounds a lot like Carver. He didn't look anything like Carver, so that's good.

"Ben get Jay, Harrison, Tyler, and Hugh. They'll be interviewing the boys." Carter said. Ben rushed into another room and came back with four other men.

"Ben interview Brandon. Harrison interview Jack. Jay interview Matty. Tyler interview Devin. Hugh interview Fred."

The men took the boys into five seperate rooms. Clementine stood there with AJ awkwardly. "I'll interview you."

He stood up, pulled a chair in front of his desk, and sat back down again. Clementine sat in the chair. "So what's yours and AJ's last name?"


"Where are your parents, if you don't mind me asking." Clementine started to tense up, tears stinging her eyes.

"My father, I was kidnapped from my old group and found this one. Jack and Brandon are old friends from my old group." Clementine told him.

"Why did they leave?" He asked.

"We all got split up and reunited except for them." She explained.

"What were your parents names?" He asked her.

"My father's is Lee. My mother's was Christa." She lied. "AJ and I have different mothers. His mother's name was Rebecca."

"What happened to your mothers?"

"Mine disappeared. Don't know what happened to her." She fought back the tears. "His mom died of blood loss after having him."

"Okay, I need your Ethnicity."

"I'm African-American and so is AJ."

"Okay, any other alive family members?"

"My uncle Kenny." Tears started to fall down. She couldn't fight them back. She set AJ on the desk and cried into her hands.

Carter walked over to her and placed his hand on her back to try and comfort her. "I'm sorry, honey."

Ben came back in with the others and led everyone to their rooms. Clementine shared a room alone with AJ. Fred was placed in the Doctor's block where all the Doctors live. Matty and Devin shared a room. Brandon and Jack shared a room.


We arrived at Wellington. I told Nick we'd only stay if Clem was here. We walked up to the gates and called up. "Is a girl named Clementine here?" Nick asked.

"Nope! Our newest arrival of a girl is Christa!" The woman called back down. We turned around and got back in.

"Where is she? I thought she'd be here." I told Nick. We pulled out and started to drive away when I heard a woman calling back to us to stop.


She looked out the window as it started to rain.

All of a sudden she saw Luke and Nick get back into their car. She ditched her crutch and ran through the pain down to the gates and yelled up at the woman. "Stop them!"

She looked at Clementine and quickly climbed down the ladder. Clementine ran out the gates with the woman and stood there as the car stopped. Clementine started to cry as she saw Nick and Luke get out of the car. Luke ran over to her and she jumped in his arms. She wrapped her legs around him and hugged him tightly. She cried into his shoulder and clung to him. She never wanted to let go.

Clementine finally looked up at him. His lips came crashing down onto hers. She started to kiss him back and heard people cheering from behind them. Luke let go of her and she turned around. Matty, Devin, Fred, Brandon, and Jack were standing there.

They were all smiling at her. Brandon and Jack were whooping and clapping. "I knew you two had the hots for eachother!" Jack yelled. Clementine started to laugh along with Luke.

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