16. Pete

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Everyone sat in silence. Clementine drove. Lee was in the front, Trina, AJ, and Luke were in the middle, and Nick, Ross, and Rachel were in the back. Trina kept rubbing her hand on Luke's crotch. He kept swatting her hand away, but she kept doing it.

She was three months pregnant with "his" baby. It's been awhile since he'd last saw Clementine up until now. He stared at her face, admiring the way she concentrated. He loved the way she smiled when Lee told a joke, or the way her eye brows furrowed when he told her about stories from back when they first met.

He told her about a time when she licked a salt lick for deer at a farm.

Luke's favorite story was when she put bugs in Duck's pillow. Her face sunk when he said that. Luke hated it when she was sad. He kept his eyes fixated on her the whole time. She is just so damn beautiful. Wait... I'm such a perv! I'm 22 and she's 15. I also have a girlfriend and a baby on the way in six months.

Clementine looked back and he smiled at her. She glared at him, his smile instantly faded. She looked back to the front.

"Hellooo?" Trina said to Luke.

"What?" He asked.

"I asked you a question, smart one." She giggled.

"Oh right...what was it?" Luke asked her.

"Ugh. If it's a boy, what are we naming it?" She asked. "We already have a girl name picked out. We need a boy's."

"Oh. What about...Pete?" He asked her.

"Ooh. I like that. We should name him Pete and call him Petie." Trina giggled.

Luke looked at her stomach and saw her protruding belly. It looked like she was about to give birth. Wait. She is about to give birth. She is way too big to be three months. How could I let her play me like that?

"You lying bitch!" Luke yelled at her. Clementine stopped the car. Luke opened the door and pulled Trina out. She landed on the concrete, she hit her head. She got up, she swung at him but he dodged it.

Everyone was out of the car by now. "What are you doing baby?" She asked him in a whiney tone.

"You are way too big to be three months. That baby is not mine!" Luke yelled at her.

"Yes it is! I'm three months!" Trina exclaimed.

Rachel stepped in and lifted up her shirt. "I'm four months by Ross, and I'm not that big!" She said.

"See!" Luke pointed to Rachel. "Wait what?"

"Fine." Trina scoffed. She grabbed her gun and put it to her head. She obviously had a mental illness. "Someone better stop me."

"Trina! Don't do this! Save your baby!" Clementine yelled her. Trina smiled at Luke, a tear slipped out of her eye. Luke felt his eyes sting as he realized he was crying. He watched as she pulled the trigger and her brains were splattered all over him and Clementine.

Rachel puked, Luke ran over to Trina's limp body. "No no no no!" He held her head in his arms. "The baby..." Luke cried. "You..."

"The baby..." Clementine muttered. "The baby!" She grabbed her knife out of her bag, she felt Trina's belly. She slid open Trina's stomach.

"What're you doing?" Luke asked her. Everyone looked at her in shock. She reached her arms around in Trina's stomach, they all scrunched up their noses.

"Getting the baby." She replied. She pulled her arms out, the baby dangled form her hands. It started crying and she smiled. Luke looked at the newborn in awe. It was a boy.

Lee ran to the car for blankets. Clementine wiped the baby up, she threw the dirty blanket to the side. She wrapped the baby up, and handed him to Luke. It was Asian and definitely not his.


Luke was holding "his" baby right now. Clementine still did not forgive him. He was her first crush, and first heartbreak.

"So I was thinking. His name should be Pete. Petie for a nickname." Luke thought aloud.

"I like that." Nick said.

Lee stopped all of a sudden, Clementine slid forward. She didn't have her seat belt on. Lee put his hand out to stop her. He got out. Lee started to talk to someone. It was dark out so Clementine could only see Lee with the light the headlights were providing.

The unknown figure stepped forward, revealing a familiar face. It was Glenn. Clementine forcefully opened her door, she ran over to him and threw herself on him. "Glenn!" She yelled.

"Clementine!" He hugged her then she led him to the car. He got in the back row with Rachel and Ross. Lee and Clementine got back in the car. "Does anyone know if they've seen a lady named Trina?" Glenn asked.

Clementine froze. Oh shit. "Yeah... she was hanging with us for a little while." Lee said back. "How do you know her?"

"She's my girlfriend. She's pregnant. She left us about six months ago. Where is she?" He asked.

"Well we found her about three months ago wandering all alone on the side of the road. She didn't look pregnant at all until just now she just started to protrude all of a sudden." Luke replied.

"But, she killed herself also." Clementine said to Glenn.

"I didn't really like her. Good thing I'm not a dad. I didn't need that in a time like this." Glenn mumbled. Everyone kept quiet.

"About that..." Luke finally broke the silence. "Clem saved the baby."

"Seriously? Do you have it?" Glenn asked.

"Yeah. Here. His name is Pete." Luke handed Glenn the baby. Clementine looked back, she saw Glenn holding the baby in his arms. Her heart shattered in a million pieces, as she saw a hand reach from behind Glenn and grab the baby.

Glenn screamed as a walker appeared. It brought Pete up to its face and bit Pete's face off. Clementine shot the walker, the car screeched to a stop. Luckily Glenn wasn't really attached. He cried a little and then he was good. Clementine had stabbed the baby in the head and then Glenn and Luke buried him. They pulled the walker out of the trunk and left him on the road. How did it even get in here? Clementine thought.

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