12. Luke

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They were moving in a forest. They had heard gunshots, but the sounds had eventually stopped. Rebecca was getting drowsy, so the group decided to stop.

A Russian man appeared and held them at gunpoint. Two others were hidden behind a tree. A weak boy was crouching down next to a woman. He was crying.

The Russian men were talking in their language, Kenny got mad. "Speak fucking English!" He yelled.

Clementine was getting so cold, she couldn't quite determine what the groups were fighting about. All of a sudden, The group started shooting at the Russians. Clementine saw Brandon, Kevin, and Jack take cover while shooting their pistols. They've really gotten comfortable with her group.

She took cover behind a small brick wall. She looked forward and saw Luke. He was popping up and shooting every now and then. Clementine grabbed her pistol, she saw Rebecca move. She was still sitting down in the middle of the shooting. "Shit!" Clementine muttered. She wanted to get Rebecca, but she stopped when she saw Rebecca's milky white eyes. "Oh no..."

"Clem! Get back here!" Luke yelled at her. Clementine shot Rebecca and took her baby. She ran back to cover and looked at Luke. "Good save, Clem." She blushed at his comment. Kenny finally shot down one of the men. Clementine noticed Jane was missing. She looked over at Luke. "I'm going to try to get over to you." Luke told her.

"No! Luke, don't do it!" Clementine yelled at him. He crouched over and started to walk over to her. He got shot in the leg, he yelped in pain.

"Shit!" He screamed. He looked down at his leg trying to stop the bleeding. Clementine looked down at Rebecca's baby. He was looking up at her, he started to smile. The young girl smiled back down at him. She looked up to Luke. He was wincing in pain. Clementine ran over to him, his eyes widened when he saw her. "Clem!"

"Luke, hold the baby!" She told him. He held the baby in his arms. Clementine shivered as she wrapped her blanket around Luke's leg. She had been using it as a coat. She grabbed Luke's gun then peeked her head around the corner of the wall. She aimed at a guy, she breathed in then out, then hit him in the shoulder. He fell to the ground, Kenny shot him in the head.

Everyone came out of cover. They had forgotten about the last Russian (besides the one with his sister). He peered out behind a tree, he pointed his gun at Clementine. She dropped Luke's gun and held her hands up in the air.

"Don't you dare fucking shoot her." Lee growled at him. The Russian man smirked.

"You fucking shoot her and I will find your people and kill them all!" Kenny threatened him.

Jane appeared behind him and stabbed him in the neck. Clementine picked the gun back up. She went over to him and shot him in the head. The new boys were just staring at her. She smiled and picked up the man's gun. Bonnie had Rebecca's baby in her arms. Clementine tossed Luke his pistol and kept the automatic gun. The group walked over to the cowering weak Russian boy.

"Please. My sister. She's sick." He managed to spit out. Clementine walked over to his sister and saw her eyes. She started to get scared, so she shot the woman in the head. "No! Fuck you!" The boy yelled at her.

"She turned." Clementine said. He just cowered below her crying. He didn't have the strength to pick his frail body up to defend his, now dead, sister.

Kenny grabbed the boy, he ordered him to start walking towards where the Russians were staying at. The boy agreed to lead them to the cabin after Kenny had threatened him. They walked a long time until it was dark. Kenny decided to stay at a satellite station.

Jane was on watch. Clementine held Rebecca's baby. The group was crowded around a campfire. "Today's my birthday." Luke said.

"I would've gotten you something if you would of said something sooner." Clementine told him. Then she remembered he told her a long time ago at Shop N Chop. She felt bad soon after.

"It's fine, Clem. Bein here with you all is a treat enough." Luke smiled.

Bonnie pulled out a bottle of liquor. "Here. I was savin this." She said. "Birthday boy gets first swig." Luke took a big drink of it. He passed it to Clementine.

"Take a drink." He said. Clementine looked over at Lee and he chuckled.

"Okay." She took a drink, feeling the fire of it creeping down her throat. She coughed it back up. Everyone chuckled.

Even Lee.

She passed it to him. He took a swig. She laid her head in Lee's lap, soon after she passed out with the baby in her arms.


Clementine woke up, everyone was gathering their stuff together. They're making their way to the cabin. They found a river.

The group was crossing, Clementine heard a crack. Mike was holding the baby, Clementine thanked god she didn't have it in case the ice broke and she fell in. Clementine and Bonnie stopped and turned around.

Luke was standing on the ice, with a crack in it. Clementine looked back, the group was already almost across the lake.

She looked at Luke, she stared to carefully make her way over to him. "No, Clem!" He yelled.

"Yes! I have to save you!" She yelled back.

She almost had him, when the ice fell in. Bonnie yelled out, but it was muffled. She swam over to Luke as they started to swim up together. A walker grabbed him. Nick and Lee jumped in. Nick pushed Clementine to the surface, Jane pulled her out. Nick swam back in.

"No..." She tried to scream, but all that came out was barely a whisper. Jane ran with Clementine in her arms. Jane placed Clementine in the backseat of a truck. She  was in the backseat with Kevin and Bonnie. Jane had the baby after Kenny handed him to her.

The Russian kid, Mike, Jack, and Brandon were in the bed of the truck. Jane was in the front seat with Kenny driving. They drove off into the woods, Clementine passed out.

'Lee where are you? I need you. I need Luke and Nick too. Where are you? Where are you? Please come back to me. Please don't be dead. I need you to carry on. Don't leave me. I can't be by myself. Luke, you've saved me so many times. You have too, Lee. Lee, you're my father. I can't live without my father. It's bad enough my real one is dead. I can't have my figure dead, too. Come back to me. Please. You're all I have.'

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