Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Jason's sword was in his hand before he even thought of drawing it. Some distant part of his mind noted the odd fact that he now had a sword at his hip in this world but it hadn't been there in Midgard. That was something he would have to look into at a later point. Eva's sword rasped free just an instant after Jason's did although she had no thoughts for the oddity of disappearing and reappearing swords. Her blood was boiling, her rage was rising and it was all because of the two people in front of her.

The twin's reaction was no less volatile. Titus drew his huge broad sword from his back, he held it in a two handed grip and set his legs apart. Tina's blades flashed into her hands as she stepped up by her brother's side. Odin calmly stood in between the two pairs, a mild and unconcerned look on his face. Jason locked eyes with Titus while Eva locked eyes on Tina.

"Ah, I see we all remember each other then?" asked Odin in a mildly amused voice. No one answered him.

Thor's bellow of rage rolled down the hill like thunder itself. He charged towards the group, golden Mjollnir in his hands. Freyr ran besides the thunder god, drawing his own sword as he went.

Titus continued to lock eyes with Jason

"So we meet again crow!"

Jason spat on the ground between them

"The last I saw of you was your boots sticking out from the dragon's mouth."

Jason became momentarily distracted by that thought. After the dragon had turned into a small stone statue, Brutus had ensured that Jason had hold of it before he died. He hadn't even given the statue a thought since then, now he thought of it, he had no idea where it even was. Still now was not the time to think of it. He watched a small shudder run through Titus as he relived his final moments in Elysium.

Jason quietly took satisfaction from the big man's discomfort. Titus glared back.

"That was a different lifetime. Still, you and I have a score to settle crow!"

Titus flexed his massive muscles as he tightened his grip on his sword. Odin still stood calmly between them. Both Tina and Eva kept quiet as they waited for their men to take the lead

"You died" said Jason scathingly "I would say that our score is settled"

"And yet here I stand" said Titus, he pointed his sword at Jason "You stole from me and that debt must be paid"

"You are not the king of Elysium, you own nothing in that world and all I ever took was what was rightfully mine!"

Thor came to a skidding halt at Odin's side, he hefted Mjollnir in both hands and glared angrily at Jason

"Why must you fight with everyone you meet?"

Jason turned his attention to the thunder god

"He started this fight in Elysium"

"I don't care scum!" Roared Thor "Lower your weapons right now. We are all on the same side now. It does not matter what has passed in previous lives"

Emerald fire began to lick down the blade of Jason's sword, Thor noted that Jason's eyes were beginning to shift from blue to green

"That man tried to kill me and my friends, I will never join his side!"

Titus actually took a step back. He had seen the flaming sword before but it was Jason's eyes, gold rings were beginning to show around his pupils. It wasn't natural or human. Thor took up a fighting stance and pointed Mjollnir at Jason

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