Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Cassie groaned and rubbed her pounding head, she felt like she had a raging hangover, none of her thoughts would line up or make any sense. Everything was a confused muddle. She looked at her surroundings through bleary eyes. Where the hell am I now? The room was a large and grand one, yet it was furnished like a small cosy cottage. She sat at a large table that could easily seat twenty but only three places were set. The place mats, candle sticks, vases of freshly picked flowers, even the simple plates and glasses added to the cottage feel. Slumped in a chair opposite her was Tiberius. A stab of sorrow and sympathy flashed through her muddled mind. The old druid looked like he had been through hell, his robe was grey with dust rather than black. There was also a dark stain that could be blood. His long grey beard and hair were matted with dirt and blood, several cuts on his face and a nice black eye was forming. He was alive though, softly snoring and for once not pretending to be asleep. As Cassie watched the old man sleep she found memories of the final battle flooding back to her, she also became aware of a soft warm presence leaning against her. Cassie looked down and let out a strangled cry that was caught somewhere between joy, relief and disbelief. Tears fell as she looked down at the tangled, dirty mass of blonde hair. A memory flashed through her mind, tearing her heart to shreds. The dragon's tail flashing out and striking the wall, the falling masonry burying Alexia. Cassie silently screamed as the heart wrenching misery overwhelmed her. The loss of her little sister was the worst thing she had ever felt in her life. Yet here she was, still alive and breathing gently. Cassie shifted and wrapped both arms around Alexia, her tears raining down on Alexia's head.

"Lexi, I am so sorry. I couldn't protect you. I couldn't save you. But, I promise I will never let you out of my sight again. I will keep you safe"

"Well I should hope so! The girl adores you. I think that is the least you can do"

Cassie scowled, that wasn't Alexia's voice. Her little sister was still out cold and the voice was female so it defiantly wasn't Tiberius. A quick glance proved he was still out cold. Cassie thought a comment like that was most likely from Eva. The two girls had never got on ever since they first met. Eva was convinced that Cassie and Jason had some secret history as lovers even though that wasn't the case. Cassie didn't know what Jason saw in Eva and defiantly thought he could do better. The whole thing had left them as rivals and no chance of being friends, they had settled into sullen hostility, trading dirty looks and insults more often than not. Cassie turned to the head of the table ready to sling a vile insult at Eva but the words died on her lips. It wasn't Eva's voice, in fact, Eva wasn't present at the table. Celeste sat on the table watching Cassie intently. The little black kitten's emerald eyes burned brightly, her tail was flicking in agitation. She still wore the pink ribbon that Alexia had given her. Cassie scowled, surely the cat hadn't spoken? But there was no one else in the room.

"Who said that? And I know she adores me! Just as I adore her"

"You have no idea how much, it is more like idolism. She never stops talking about you and all the things you do. I have no idea why, you have never struck me as anything special"

Cassie just sat there and gaped, not because of the barbs thrown her way but because the voice had come out of the cats mouth. It was a soft and girlish voice. Cassie scrubbed a hand over her face. This must be a dream or a hallucination. Was she really about to have a conversation with a cat?

"Alexia had always insisted that you could talk but I never did believe her"

Celeste cocked her head slightly, her tail flicking more violently

"Even now you still doubt, you still don't believe what is right in front of you"

"I think I must have hit my head or have I gone mad? Either is fine"

Treachery  : book 2 of Codex ElysiumWhere stories live. Discover now