Going Bananas 🍌

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That awesome moment when you get random inspiration for something in a story.

I was driving back from work and I took an alternate route than usual which led me to a street called Banana Ave. At first I just thought up the title pun, but then it became a great idea for something in one of my sequels. I can't tell, otherwise it would spoil so much of the stories, but gaaaaah I'm so excited for it lol. I wonder how many years it'll be before I can come back to this post and say, "I finally wrote the scene!"


Just so you people understand, this idea is for something in book 3 of my Musa series.... I've just barely finished the manuscript for book 1 and haven't begun book 2 yet.... we've got a long way to go. Hope you all are still around for that, In Shaa Allah 😫

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته



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