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Okay so this shouldn't be a long post or anything, just need to say a few things. So, firstly, I want to say that it is my hope and goal to make some sort of post in this book more regularly. Either some random happening from my life for the day, or a poem, or some thoughts on my mind, or an article I've read from the news that may be a topic of conversation. Just something to keep me more active on here, because I've been so absent for so long, and posting story updates once a month -if that even- isn't really being active in my opinion.

So, yeah, I want to update this more frequently, even if the posts are brief little incidents or a poem that takes 11 seconds to read.

The second thing is, I've gotten comments asking me when I will update certain stories of mine. Believe me, no one wants those updates to come more than me. The problem is well, a number of factors. There's the issue of time, motivation, and good old fashioned WRITER'S BLOCK.


Chasing Pearls, Legends of the Lost Desert, Empires of Faith. These stories haven't been updated in forever, and the thing is, I have, for the most part, an idea or draft of what happens in the next chapter. However, getting the ideas and putting them to words, typing them up in a satisfactory way to tell the story how I envision it, this is harder than it seems. And sometimes, I really, really want to write, and I have the time, and access to a laptop (my personal laptop is broken at the moment so I do have limited access to computers and writing on my cell phone is a whoooooole other issue), but I still find it hard to write. It's not that I don't want to, or that I don't know what comes next in the story; just sometimes as a writer, I sit down and suddenly my mood just goes blah and the writing just doesn't happen.

And forcing myself isn't the solution every time either. It either results in me writing and erasing and writing and erasing a paragraph 20 times and editing previous parts to reflect that change while looking up other things in my story to connect, only to go back and undo it all because I either can't word it in a satisfactory way, or it just doesn't fit to me. I've written parts and taken out hundreds of words, and in some cases over 1000, because the writing felt amateurish or clumsy. It's not my best quality and I can't bring myself to go through with it.

And sometimes, I write myself into a corner and it throws off everything about the story, thus sparking my reluctance to even think of the story. Chasing Pearls is one such example. I cannot give any spoilers, but I want you guys to know that within a 2 days of the last update on that book, I had the next chapter just about finished. The only issue is literally the last 4 paragraphs. And something in them is key to the entire plot of the story, but I have an issue in it that I have been struggling to resolve, and if I can't get past that, then I can't post the update. And being stuck there has made me not even want to think about CP for a while, despite missing the characters and their antics just like you guys do.

Empires of Faith and Legends of the Lost Desert are another issue. I've plotted out chapters for them, and began a little bit of writing on them as well; however, the chapters ahead and all of the details to come are super overwhelming and once I start it feels like I'll never finish and it gets exhausting. Add to that the fact that each of those has maybe 2 or 3 devoted readers, and well, you can see why my motivation for those stories isn't always all there. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't write solely for the sake of getting attention or fame through my works. Blah that!

Still, when I put in work, sometimes weeks of writing to make a detailed and exciting chapter, especially the long ones that reach over 20,000 words, it sometimes feels like a waste when no one sees it even. When it didn't reach its purpose of entertaining, educating, and inspiring readers, that kind of kills my motivation to continue with the next part right away. And even though I always put messages about voting and commenting, I'm not going to beg everyone for them desperately.

Anyways, I said I didn't want this to get long and already I'm nearing 800 words, so it's time to end. In conclusion, I plan to update this book more often nowadays, hopefully with some tales from my life, and I also want you guys to understand why I haven't updated my stories. I've been busy with certain aspects of life, as well as just facing typical writer struggles. I am working to update the stories, and at the moment, I have a tab open to continue writing Chasing Pearls, so In Shaa Allah you may see an update of that coming soon, and then back to LHC (Los Heridos Chronicles- the much-improved rewrite of LW, do check it out please, thank you.).

And now that I have reached 908 words, I will see what I can do to make this end exactly at 950 words. That includes writing my sign out and salaams at the end before going any further. But still need six more words.

As-Salaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh



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