36- The Fall of a Kingdom

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Chapter Thirty Six


"What?" she answered.  I leaned on the  wall.

"You have to pick, me or my brother?" I asked and there was a complete silence.

As much as I didn't want it to be this way it had to be. Me and Zeno argued the whole way to getting Gia about Syn. The way he talked about her seemed more like a fling than a Queen that needed her King. I knew Zeno. He was more about business and needing a ride or die chick by his side when shit got tough. He needed a Bonnie, a woman who was gonna shoot with him when he got into gun fights and kill when he needed her to. That wasn't Syn. Syn was more of the I'll ride for my man but not in the violence type of way. She played this girlfriend role that I hadnn't had before. She loved me like no other and loved Gia the same so for her to leave for my brother would hurt me to the core.

"You can have her. You happy and all that shit. I realized she wasn't my type long time ago," Zeno answered and she looked at him and raised her brow but didn't say anything, she just walked into Gia's room and closed the door behind her. "I'm out man."

"So you not going to say sorry?" I asked.

"For what? She deserved that shit. I should've punched her ass instead of pimp slapping her," he snapped. I grabbed him the by the neck and slammed him on the wall.

"You got fucking nerve bro. We didn't grow up smacking bitches because that's way we were taught. You starting to take after that nigga," I said and he grabbed my arm as I loosened my grip.

"What nigga?" he questioned. I let go of him as he pushed me away. I took a break from beating his ass because he was my brother.

"Your fucking dad. You know the same man you killed with those same two hands because he always beat on momma and tried to kill your ass."

His eyes lowered and I already knew that I was taking him to this place that he didn't want to be in. The place that created the crazy side of him and made him into the man that he is today.

"What I tell you about talking about that shit, huh?" he said reaching over to his side as if he would even shoot me but he wouldn't.

"So you gonna shoot me? Zeno you wouldn't even be standing here if it wasn't for me. We were barely teenagers sleeping in alleyways and robbing people just to fucking live back then. Momma didn't even get a decent fucking funeral because when you killed Nutty we had to bounce and run away, why? Because I wasn't going to risk having my brother separated from me and put into foster care. I did the next best thing and turn to the fucking street and while I was starving your ass always had clothes on your back and a lot of fucking food. I taught you right from wrong and when you slapped her I saw a mirror and it was fucking Nutty," I snapped. He walked out of my house with not a single word being said.

I  looked down at my phone to see Santana calling me and I already knew why.

"Yo, where the fuck is my sister!" he yelled.

"She's at my house man." I answered calmly trying to not curse out Santana in a way he had never been cursed out before.

"Tell her to bring her ass home now!" he demanded. I walked inside of the room standing behind Syn then kissed her on the cheek. As much as I felt like I got what I needed things weren't fully complete business wise. I still wanted to make that partnership in New York but there was just one person who was blocking from doing it. "Come over to my house we got business to handle."

The line stayed silent and he hung up.

Syn looked at me. "Whatever you do, make sure X is dead." She said.

I wasn't even going to make sure that he was dead, I was going to make him regret even trying to put my daughter in danger. Xavion was going to lose his whole damn kingdom.

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