{35} Dance

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September 24th, 2017

P.o.V Malia

"May I have this dance?"
I turned around and looked at Stiles. He smiled.
"I thought, you can't dance?"
"I can't but this is my best friend's wedding."
"Why don't you ask Lydia?"
"Maybe I want my first dance to be with my first love. Dance with me, Malia Hale."
I rolled my eyes. We barely had talked in four years so I had almost forgotten how annoying my ex boyfriend could be.
"If you step on my toes, I'll kill you."
"No. You won't. You like me too much."
"Right. Maybe I'll tell Theo to kill you."
He laughed. I missed these kinds of talks. We didn't get past Smalltalk since Stiles accidentally heard my conversation with Scott about me smelling like Theo. Not my best move but I really did love Theo. Stiles held out his hands and I took it. It was weird but familiar at the same time to hold his hand after all this time.
"Did I say that I like the way you're hair is now?"
"Short hair suits you."
Good for you, Stiles because you're the reason I cut it. He always used to say I shouldn't cut my hair after Kira died and I wanted to change something in my life badly in order to move on because 1. I was upset and 2. he loved my hair like that. That's why I didn't cut my hair until after breaking up with him. Just because he loved my long hair.
We smiled at each other and walked onto the dancefloor holding hands.
"You seem happy, Malia."
"I am." I really was. Theo was the perfect boyfriend and had a very troubled past just like me. Besides both of us were coyotes so I never had to fear losing control and hurting him badly while having sex with him. He would heal afterwards.
"Did you talk to Derek after that night?"
"You mean, when I ran away and moved in your house for months?"
"Stiles, that was four years ago!"
"Yeah, well, we didn't talk since the night Rosie was born."
"We did talk!"
"Right but only Smalltalk."
"Why didn't we talk properly?" This question was probably a little stupid but it bothered me. He had moved on after all.
"Well maybe because you started making out with Theo right after you broke up with me? You broke my heart."
"I'm sorry. He was just there and I fell for him before I even broke up with you. I was hurt and sad and..."
"In love. I know. I saw it in your eyes whenever you looked at him. Was he the reason why you broke up with me?" I knew Stiles so good that I was 100% sure this question had been on his mind since that night. I never wanted to hurt him like that.
"No. We both moved on while we were still together. I wanted to end it before it ends with one of us cheating on the other. I knew it would happen."
"Malia, I was always loyal!"
"We both were but we were in love with other people who were in love with us. It was only a question of time till one of us couldn't hold back anymore. I didn't want to feel or cause this pain so I ended it that way. I wasn't happy anymore and I knew that you weren't either. I couldn't do that anymore. I loved you but you didn't even notice me anymore. I know I told you all of this back then. I ran away from your house that night and ran all the way home crying. As soon as I left, I wanted to run back to you."
"Why didn't you come back, then? It would have saved me from a lot of tears."
"I'm sorry, Stiles. We weren't healthy for each other at that time. I couldn't do it to us even though I regretted my decision because I still loved you."
"But you could move on the same night? Lia, that doesn't make any sense!"
I jumped slightly at my old nickname. Scott called me Lia too but I hadn't heard it from Stiles in years. The next song started. It was one of my Al's favourites and I liked the song as well but I just couldn't dance to it with Stiles. It was kinda our song. "Feel Something" by Jaymes Young.
Stiles wiped away one of my tears. I hadn't even noticed that I was crying.
"I should go."
He nodded with a sad look in his eyes.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For telling me the truth."
"I never lied to you and I never will. It doesn't matter that I broke up with you. Keep that in mind, Sti."
I turned away because I knew that if I looked longer at him, I'd break down. Maybe I never really got over my first love...

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