{34} Wedding

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September 24th, 2017

P.o.V Allison

I was sitting in my old bedroom. After the engagement we waited two years until we got married and today was the day. Today I would marry Scott McCall, the love of my life. Malia and Lydia were here, too and prepared me for the wedding. Lydia would do my make up and Malia was responsible for my dress. When I was ready, I walked down to my Dad. He had tears in his eyes.
"You look beautiful, sweetheart."
"I wished, Mom could see all this."
"Yeah, me too."
"Let's take her with us." I went to the living room and took the urn.
"Yup. Let's go."
Malia was my maid of honour, Stiles was Scott's best man, my bridesmaid was Rosie and Lydia and Theo were Scott's "groomsmen".
Dad walked me down the aisle. With one arm he held me and with the other he carried my Mom's urn.
"Take good care of my baby girl.", Dad said, when he laid my hand into Scott's.
"I will. I swear to god."
They hugged and I smiled at Rosie who held her Dad's hand tight.
"Honey, go to aunt Malia, okay?"
The little girl nodded and took Malia's hand. Malia grinned at Theo a few metres away from her.
The next few minutes were like a movie to which you don't really pay attention.
"Do you, Scott Gregorio McCall, take Celestine Allison Argent to your wife?"
"I do!"
"Do you, Celestine Allison Argent, take Scott Gregorio McCall to your husband?"
"I do!"
"I declare you to husband and wife. You may kiss the bride now."
We kissed and everyone applauded.
"I love you, Scott Argent."
"I love you, too, Allison Argent."
When we had sat down, Stiles walked to the little stage where we just said "yes" to each other.
"Scott and Allison have been my best friends since...forever, I guess. We met in Kindergarten and I remember that I tried to marry them back then. Well, don't blame me, I was four years old. Scott was crying when she left in third grade. I told him, he still had me but he told me no one compared to Allison. I was just a little offended by that."
Scott laughed.
"You wouldn't talk to me in three days!"
"Hey, don't cut me off. We made it through those years even though three had become two. The both of us found our first loves and well, I guess it went better for me than for him."
I looked at Malia who rested her head on Theo's shoulder. She seemed happy. I couldn't help but notice the kinda sad look in Stiles' eyes as their eyes met for a few seconds. Did he still...?
Scott's hand was shaking a bit by the memory of Kira. I intertwined our fingers and he smiled at me gratefully.
"He almost killed himself. I saved him but I knew it was just a matter of time till he would try it again. And then sophomore year started and Allison came back. Scott seemed more like himself with her around. I'd thought, he'd never smile again but I swear to god, I'll never forget the way his eyes lighted up at the sight of her running through the hall in his arms. At first, I didn't recognize you, sorry Al, and I thought he forgot to tell me the little detail, that he had gotten himself a girlfriend. They spend as much time together as they used to. It was like she was never gone. After a few weeks I noticed that they acted weird around each other and I asked Scott if something had happened between them. Sorry buddy but you're very easy to read, so I figured out that they slept with each other."
Scott and I smiled at the memory of us as friends with benefits.
"I'm not planning on embarrassing the two of you, I just want to tell your whole story. It went on like that for over four months.They where flirting like crazy and disappeared almost every day around lunchtime. Captain and Lieutenant Obvious, guys. I wonder how many people noticed beside me."
Had it really been that obvious? Scott must have thought the same because his face turned slightly red.
"And then it happened: Allison got pregnant. Malia was the first one to know."
He flinched slightly as he said her name. I thought he was over it. It had been about four years since she broke up with him.
"When she told Scott, they finally got together. Believe me, it was the biggest surprise in my life so far when Al kissed him in the hallways at school. They wanted to keep their thing secret. Scott took me aside and told me what happened. I said they have my support if I'll be the uncle. Guess what happened? I'm Rosie's uncle and of course I support her parents no matter what. To the bride and the groom! Love you guys."
Everyone raised their glasses while Scott and i shared a long kiss.

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