{46} His Again

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P.o.V Stiles

I was lying in my bed with Malia in my arms. It felt so good after all this time to just hold her. I had given up on her when she chose Theo all those years ago but I still told her that I still loved her that night. At first I thought I made a huge mistake, especially when I walked in on her and Theo. When I heard they broke up at the wedding I was stunned. I had thought they would be engaged. Their daughter was born after all. Then, she told me that she still loved me and I couldn't help but kiss her. Now, I couldn't be happier. The sleeping beauty next to me was mine again. It was unbelievable. After all those years, nine to be exact, I had actually gotten her back! Malia snored quietly and I laughed at the sound of it, waking her.
"Sorry, Lia. I didn't mean to wake you."
"Oh, it's alright."
"I just...you don't get much sleep because of Izzy."
"Stiles, it's okay. Really."
"I love you, Malia Elizabeth Hale."
"What was that for?"
"Just stating facts."
"I love you too, Mieczyslaw Stilinski."
"You know I hate that name, right?"
"Yup. But I also know that you can't really get angry at me."
She winked at me and kissed me.
"Holy shit, I want to marry you."
"Uuuh...I know we just got back together but given our history, Malia, do you want to...uh..." 
"Marry you?"
"I want to marry you."
"Wait. Did we just get engaged?"
"I think so."
We laughed loudly and I hugged her.
"I should get you a ring, shouldn't I?"
Malia laughed loudly.
"Probably, yeah. I don't have experience with stuff like this."
"Me neither. I could ask Scott. He's married and all..."
"We don't need to make this official."
"We don't? I mean if that's what you want?"
"I want that."
"Then we'll wait to tell people, alright?"
"Yup. But don't think I don't want anyone to know. It's just..."
"We've only been together for three weeks and your breakup is still pretty fresh so you don't want him to find out via Als?"
"I get that. It's terrible to hear from your ex's best friend that the girl you love moved on so fast."
"Are we still milking that? It's been about ten years, Stiles and I truly am sorry. Scott even told me to tell you before anyone else does but I couldn't. I couldn't even look at you."
"Wait. Scott knew?"
"Yes. When we arrived at the hospital after Rose was born, he took me out of the room to talk to me. He said I was lucky he was the only one in the room who knew I had sex with Theo that night. I had never seen Scott angry before. He never threatened me. I mean, I get how much pressure he had been under over the course of months and you are like a brother to him but he still kinda was my Scott. The person I turned to in my darkest days, the person I had to watch standing with a flare in their hand trying to kill himself. My Scott. My Scott was whisper-shouting at me! Then he calmed down and promised not to tell you. I stood there in the hallway of the hospital, completely shocked. When he returned to Al's side, I started crying. I had already felt guilty for breaking up with you and having sex with another guy like an hour later but after Scott McCall, the most calm person I know, yelled at me, I started to feel the weight of what I had done."
"He yelled at you? Scott yelled at you?"
"I'm gonna yell at him. No one yells at my babygirl."
"Stiles. You are the one who should yell at me. I hurt you more than a billion sorry's could fix."
"Lia, don't day that. I forgive you."
"You shouldn't."
"I do anyways."
I kissed her.
"Scott did the right thing back then. I don't want you to yell at him because what he did is the ultimate proof that he loves you. You're his best friend and he needs you. You saved his life."
"Thanks, but we both know that Allison did."
"If you hadn't been there, he would have never met Al again. He wouldn't have been alive and we would have had the job of telling her that her soulmate, her true love, her best friend, the boy she was friends with since her birth, was dead. He wouldn't have Rose Kira, Hope and Liam now. He wouldn't have gotten the chance of being the amazing Dad and husband he is."

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