{39} Girls

110 3 0

October 3rd 2021

P.o.V Allison

"Mal? You okay?"
I entered the room where Theo and her were staying. The latter was taking a walk with Isaac.
"I'm fantastic.", came the muffled answer from beneath the pillows.
"Mal... You're gonna have to talk to me."
"Please, leave me alone, Allison. Please."
"I'm gonna have to disagree, hun. I'm not going anywhere. You need me. I'm your best friend, remember?"
Mal huffed into the mattress.
"I liked you so much better, before you were a mother."
"You didn't know me before I was a mother."
"I did. We were friends for over four months before you got pregnant with Rosie."
"You have a point. But it doesn't matter now."
"I don't want to talk about it, Al."
"But I want to. And, for the record, I'm always getting what I want. Her first love told my best friend out of the blue that he still loves her. And I know she still loves him too but she won't really admit it because she has a boyfriend of eight years who she loves as well. What do I do now?"
"Leave your best friend the fuck alone."
"Nope. Not gonna happen. Any other suggestions?"
A pillow flew into my direction and I caught it.
"You are the most annoying person alive, you know?"
"Yup. But you love me."
Malia still wouldn't look at me. I sighed. She was obviously not in the mood for funny. If that was the case, it was very serious.
"Mal, I wanna help. You are my best friend and I love you. You helped me on the most terrifying day of my life so far and held my hand through it. I have known for years that I need you but on that day I knew just how much. Now you need me and I'm gonna be there for you no matter what."
Her voice was small and scared. I didn't like to hear the usually so strong Malia like that. And she had never called me "Alli" before. Never. No one was allowed to call me that except for my husband.
"What is it?"
"Tell me. Tell me what I am supposed to do."
"Talk to him. I can be there with you, if that's what you want."
"To which 'him'?"
"Theo. He needs to know about this. You're carrying his baby. You have to tell him."
"Tell him what? That I'm still madly in love with my ex who I broke up with eight years ago? Are you insane!?"
I smiled slightly. There she was. The Malia I knew and loved.
"What are you smiling at?"
"Nothing. You're just acting more like the Malia Hale I love. And no. You are not supposed to tell him that. You are supposed to tell him what Stiles said last night and that you think about it. Like a lot. If you tell him about your feelings is your choice to make. And if I were you, I'd tell him not to wolf out on Stiles."
I winked at her and Mal smiled gratefully. My job was done. Hopefully Scott did his part as well.

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