S e i z e

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I sighed to myself, kicking a stone and watching it roll away. I didn't know where I was going. All I knew is that I needed to get out of that flat. Away from them.

I knew that Andy liked Rye and vice versa. I knew they had something going on, or at the very least something had happened between them.

I wasn't mad that they were together. I was hurt. Hurt that Rye didn't tell me. That he lied straight to my face. Hurt that Brooklyn knew and didn't say anything. They are my best friends. My brothers. A second family to me. We shouldn't have secrets. Espically secrets like this:

Somehow, I had managed to find my way to the park. I sat down on one of the swings and started rocking back and forwards, humming a song. I watched as cars rushed down the main road, making a mental note of how many cars of each colour I saw
(AN: Does anyone else do that? Or am I just a weirdo? XD)

"Jack?" A hand rested on my shoulder. I turned around to see Andy standing there. He was wearing another one of Rye's hoodie that was far too big for him, and his face was bright red, as if he had been crying. It made me feel, if possible, even worse and even more guilty.

"Are you ok?" He asked, looking at me, his eyes filled with nothing but concern.
"Why are you here. You should be mad at me" I muttered, after getting over the initial shock of how nice he was being. He shrugged
"I probably should be. But I'm not" He said, taking a seat on the swing next to me.

"What about-"
"The others? Rye's really pissed. Brook and Mikey are a little mad. But they're more worried about you then anything. We all are" He said, biting his lip slightly

"I'm sorry," I said after a few moments of silence "for how I reacted. It was really over dramatic and unnecessary," I sighed "I guess i was just hurt that you guys didn't tell us"

"We're sorry. We really are. Blair thought it wasn't a good idea to tell you until after tour. And, I was scared. Scared that you would hate me for it" He admitted, causing another pang of guilt in my heart. I felt awful.
"I'm really happy for you. Honestly. I can tell how much you two care about each other" I said giving him a reassuring smile, which he returned.
"Come on. We should head back"


sorry this chapter is gross and bad. i'm not doing too good mentally atm...

so yea sorry for lack of updates.

IG: Rttv.Phan
Twitter: LeoTheSmolLion

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