T r o i s

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"Andy. You need to get up".
Slowly I opened my eyes to see Harvey standing above me, shaking my shoulder.

"5 more minutes" I groaned, burrying my face back into the soft pillow. I didn't want to move. Rye's bed smelt nice. Like the vanilla body wash he used that he refused to share with anyone. I heard Harvey sigh in defeat and leave the room, making me smile in triumph.

However 5 minutes later, I regretted not getting up. Both Brooklyn and Jack burst into the room and started jumping on me, yelling at the top of their voices.

"Alright guys. I think you've traumtised the poor boy enough" A voice managed to shout over the two idiots. With a final jump for good measure, Jack and Brooklyn left, laughing their heads off.

I smiled and looked up at Rye, who had entered the room and saved me from 'Jacklyn'. He had a towel losely wrapped around his waist and his hair was soaking with water. I have to say he did look extremely hot.

No. Bad. He's your best friend. You shouldn't be thinking of him like that.

"You're quiet this morning" He commented, breaking me out of my thoughts. I shrugged.

"Well. I've been rudely awaken by tweedle dee and tweedle dum this morning. So i'm not exactly with it yet" I pointed out, causing him to start laughing. He grabbed some clothes and went back into the bathroom to get changed.

He finally came out 10 minutes later. He wore his stupid black jumper with the yellow and red sleeves and a pair of black skinny jeans. I frowned.

"Are we going somewhere?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"Studio. We have covers to record." He replied. I groaned loudly. Laughing, he sat on the edge of his bed, next to me. I leaned on his shoulder and buried my face into his neck.

"Come on Fovvs. Get up!" He said, slapping my knee. I pouted at him, but still did as I was told. I got out of his bed and went to the room Mikey and I shared.

Mikey was awake and editing something on his Laptop. He looked up and smirked at me when he saw me come into the room.

"Where were you last night?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and stuck my middle finger up at him. He mocked being hurt before bursting out laughing.

"Fovvs. I'm joking," He said, sticking his tongue out. "But seriously, What's the deal with you and Rye. You guys seem...closer than usual"

I knew my cheeks had gone bright red. I turned away from him. I hear him sigh.

He come up behind me and spins me around, forcing me to look at him.
"Andy, there's nothing wrong with liking Rye" He said quietly. This time, it was my turn to sigh.

"There's everything wrong with liking him. He's my bestfriend for one. And he's my bandmate. What if something goes wrong? Then it'll be awkward and it'll affect the band. I can't afford to take that risk. We've worked too hard for this."

Mikey hugs me and i admit, it feels nice. Mikey was like an older brother, despite the fact that I'm older than him.

I heard someone clear their throat, and I quickly pulled away from Mikey. Rye gave an awkward smile.

"Sorry. I just...We're leaving in 5 minutes. Um. Sorry for-" He didn't finish his sentence, he simply turned on his heels and walkes out the room. I groaned to myself and buried my face into my hands.
I felt Mikey pat my shoulders.

"Don't worry Fovvs. He'll forget about it. And besides he knows I don't like you like that".

I simply shrugged him off and quickly changed into a plain blue t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. I shoved my phone in my back pocket and left the flat, meeting the other boys outside.

Rye was already in the car, Jack and Brook were standing outside.
"Is he ok? He seemed kinda pissed when he came out here" Brook said in a low voice. I simply shook my head and climbed into the car.

Today was gonna be a long day.

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