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After telling Blair, we all agreed that we should try and keep our relationship a secret from the others, at least until after tour. We didn't exactly want the fans knowing. We couldn't risk anyone acting any differently.

Andy had given up his bed for Zach and slept in Mine and Harvey's room, as Harvey was away. They all thought he slept in Harvey's bed, when he actually slept with me. No one really questioned it.

A few days before tour started, I found Andy in the kitchen alone. The Flat was practically empty except us, as the other guys had taken Aaron and Zach to the park down the road to play football.

I smiled and walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and rested my chin on his shoulder. I loved the moments we were alone because it meant I could do stuff like this.  He smiled and leant back so he could kiss my cheek.
"Morning. Toast?" He asked, holding the bread up and putting it in my mouth. I chuckled lightly and detached myself from him so I could eat.

"You're in a good mood" I pointed out, noticing the slight bounce in his step and the fact he had a smile similar to the one a kid had a Christmas.
"Well... I'm about to go on tour with my best friends. I've got an amazing job and I have the best boyfriend in the world," He said happily "What more could you want?"

"A kiss would be nice" I said, smirking. He rolled his eyes, but still came over and wrapped his arms around my neck, pressing his lips firmly on mine. I smiled and kissed him back, placing my hands on his waist.

"Hey have you guys- Oh my god!" A startled voice caused us to quickly jump apart. My eyes widened and immediately looked at the friend that had caught us.

Well shit.


pLacE yoUr beTs
who do you think caught them?!






Heheh. Double update look at meh go ;))
Also. Tysm for 100 votes! Ily all.
Massive shoutout to Vanishaloveslarry she's been amazing and so supportive of this story! Go check her books out!!

I've set up a Sarahah, if anyone is actually interested in leaving a comment ❤️. The link will be in my bio.

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