Q u i n z e

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"Guys. We need to talk"

We were all in the living room/Mindy room. Zach and Aaron had gone home yesterday and we were all going tomorrow. We told Blair that we were planning on coming out to the rest of the rest of the boys before our break.

"Ok. So what I'm about to tell you is pretty big. All I want is for none of you to get mad and please don't hate us-"
"You're not leaving the band are you?" Mikey asked abruptly, cutting me off. I frantically shook my head.

"Oh my god no. This band is my life," I said. I looked over to Brooklyn, who gave me a reassuring smile "So this also involves Andy". I glanced over to him, he was starting to shake. I pulled him close, wrapping my arms around him.

"Are you ok? You can leave if you want and i'll tell them on my own?" I whispered to him. He shook his head
"Just tell them already. And hurry up about it" He whimpered, hiding his face.

I straightened up and looked over at the others. Brooklyn looked extremely concerened, Jack completely confused. Mikey on the other hand had a knowing look on his face, like he knew exactly what was going on.

"I'm gay. And so is Andy. And we're together." I blurted. I closed my eyes, waiting for thw disgusted abuse to begin.
"Finally!! It's about time!" Mikey shouted. My eyes opened in surprise and I looked over at him, to see him grinning like a mad man. He stood up and pulled us both into a hug.

"I knew it. Why did you lie to me?" Jack said, as Mikey pulled away. I sighed
"Jack. I had to. Blair-"
"Oh? So Blair was in on this as well?" He snapped.
"We had to tell him. He's our manger, Jack"
"And we're your band mates. Or are we not important enough to know"
"Jack you know thats not true-"
"Who else knew?" He demanded.
"Brook knew as well but-"

Jack whipped around and glared at Brooklyn, before rounding back on us. By this point I had pushed Andy behind me. He gripped the back of my t-shirt and had buried his face into the fabric.

"How come he was allowed to know?" Jack shouted.
"He found out! Jack we were gonna tell you Blair just thought-"
"And you! Why didn't you say anything?!"
"Jack I promised. Please calm down"

Jack closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"I'm going for a walk," he said, grabbing his jumper "alone" he then added, seeing Brooklyn stand up. He stalked out the room and a few moments later, we heard the door slam shut.

I spun around and hugged Andy, who had started sobbing. None of us really knew what to say.

Well. That didn't go to plan



I don't know why I made Jack such an ass lmao

Also. Here you can ask the questions for the character q&a, which will be answered at the end.







Me (the author)

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