Chapter 42: Teen Idles

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~Caroline POV~

"You know, I wouldn't have asked for a favour if I knew you were going to blind sight me and then make her hate me." Klaus told Caroline as they walked around the Mansion.

"Being a vampire only amplifies who you are, not turn you into a new person. And as her best friend, it's my job to tell her when she's making a giant mistake and now she's taking Damon's side on everything." Caroline rambled, paying no mind to Klaus' protest.

"It's all very peculiar." Klaus said with a knowing look. "I'm sure it'll all make sense eventually."

"And what about Iliana? Why did she just blow up at me? She knows I would never like you in a million years so why would this mean anything to her?" Caroline continued. "I set her up with you and everything!"

"Again, when I asked for a favour, I didn't think it would entail all of this."

"You asked for a date with her, I got you one. Favour fulfilled." Caroline snapped before releasing an exasperated sigh. "My best friend is mad at me and it's all my fault. Liana is the closest thing I have to a sister. And the only person that could make everything better is Elena and now—just find the damn cure already."

"I'm working on it." Klaus said as he sat down on a bench.

"Would you ever take it?" Caroline asked him.

"Now why would I want to cure myself of being the most powerful creature on the planet, hm?" Klaus replied with a shrug.

"So there's not one single moment in your whole life that you wanted to be human?" Caroline continued to interrogate as she was prone to doing.

"What about you?" He asked her. "Life used to be a lot easier."

"Not nearly as interesting though."

~Klaus POV~

"And now the moment you've been waiting for!" Carol said as she and Caroline stood on the stage waiting for the crown to be bestowed. "Caroline, would you do the honours?"

"This year's Miss Mystic Falls is..." She opened the enveloped and smiled as she announced the winner. "Iliana Gilbert!"

The blonde vampire put the tiara and the sash on her friend who seemed unimpressed by the winning of the pageants. Camera's flashed brightly and although her lips were curved up into a smile, Klaus could see her eyes weren't smiling with her. Suddenly her eyes lit up and Klaus glanced behind him to see none other than his interfering brother Elijah.

The New Miss Mystic walked off the stage and sauntered straight into his arms with a smile that Klaus hadn't seen in a long time. At least she hadn't shown it to him. Elijah gave him a nod of acknowledgment but Klaus merely averted his gaze and walked away, not giving his brother the satisfaction of knowing he had ruined his night.

~Iliana POV~

"Elijah!" I exclaimed in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard you were in the pageant, I wanted to see you in action." Elijah replied with a chuckle. "Thank goodness I did. Congratulations Miss Mystic Falls 2010."

"Thank you." I said with a grandiose twirl, before properly examining my crown. "I probably have to give this back as well."

"I didn't realise you were so big on pageants." He said with a smile as we went to find a place to sit down.

"Don't tell anyone, but I love pageants." I whispered. "I was so close to coming back last year for my pageant."

"Why didn't you?" He asked.

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