Chapter 35: The Rebirth of Elena Golden Girl Gilbert

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After the events of the day, I knew I had to see Elena. If she died and I had been a coward the whole time, I would never be able to forgive myself. And there'd be no one but me to blame. I got my car keys and walked out to the car, freezing as I came face to face with the devil incarnate.

"She turned." Rebekah told me. "I helped her feed."

"You mean after you killed her." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Alaric was going to kill my family, Iliana, I had no choice. I'm sorry." Rebekah told me, her eyes still puffy. "And I'm only even telling you this because I know that if roles were reversed, you would do the same."

I didn't answer because I knew whether I liked it or not, she was right. She even had the decency to hesitate before acting, I would've killed anyone and everyone before she even had a shot at stopping me.

"You've been crying." I asked her. "Why?"

"I got into a fight with Klaus." She mumbled bitterly. "Words were thrown, doppelganger blood was spilt and necks were snapped. Mine anyway."

"He snapped your neck?" I asked her in disbelief.

"And that was after he said I was nothing to him." She added in her anger.

"That's low. Even for him." I told her. "What's the plan now?"

"Well are you in need of a roommate?" She asked me hopefully.


After helping Rebekah settle down into my house, early the next morning I drove to the Salvatore boarding house where I knew my sister would be. I heard a whooshing sound and flinched when my sister suddenly appeared beside me.

"Never do that again." I told her as I caught my breath and she pulled me into a hug.

"Iliana, I missed you so much." She said and she began to sob, but her hug was so tight, she was crushing me.

"Hey, hey, you're hurting me." I told her limply and she quickly pulled away from me.

"I'm sorry." She said sobbing. "I'm so bad at this. I can't even drink blood without being sick. Or hug you without crushing you to pieces."

"Oh shut up." I said rolling my eyes at her. "Your Elena Golden Girl Gilbert. You're not bad at anything."

"Yeah but I'm also what's known as the Jack of all trades but master of none." She said grimly.

"You cheated death, Elena." I told her sternly. "You can do this, okay? You can do anything and everything." I told her.

"Where were you?" She asked me soberly. "It's been three days."

"I've been too afraid to face you." I said, completely ashamed of myself. "I've been scared that the moment I get here, you'll hate me. And you'll realise it was all my fault."


"Elena, if I had gone with Esther on the night of the dance instead of you, I would've been linked." I explained. "Klaus wouldn't have tried to kill you and Rebekah wouldn't have succeeded. They definitely wouldn't have tried to kill me. But I didn't stop you from going. And now you're a vampire. Something you never wanted to be."

"None of this is your fault, okay?" She told me assuredly. "I promise."

"Hey." Stefan came in behind us with a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

"Hey." Elena said with a smile.

"I'll give you two some space."


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