Chapter 7: Those We Break And Those Who Break Us

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I walked into a room filled with paintings on the wall. Paintings that I knew were supposed to be at various galleries. In addition to be a raging murderer, he was also an avid member of Grand Larceny 101.

"I see you've discovered one of my passions." Klaus said as he entered the room.

"Impressive." I told him. "I take it the curators at the Louvre aren't on vervain."

"And who's mistake is that?" He asked with a chuckle.

"I know! You'd think they'd know to protect themselves from supposedly mythical creatures with mind control powers who choose to make choices for them." I replied sarcastically.


"And what about this? Where did you steal this from?" I asked him, referring to my dress.

"Long story." He replied. "But rest assured it was worn by a princess almost as beautiful as you are."

I rolled my eyes at him and laugh before I then continued to examine his room when I came across some sketches. They were stunning and incredibly detailed and I was surprised I had never seen them before.

"You did these?" I asked him in awe.

"Yes um...actually one of my landscapes is hanging at the Hermitage, not that anyone would notice." He said sheepishly. "Have you been?"

"Actually, I have." I answered. "There are very few places that I haven't been."

"Then I'll take you to all of those places. Wherever you want." He said with a smile.

"Okay, hot-shot." I said and we both laughed. But instead of making me feel happy, it just reminded me of what could've been. "Must be nice to just snap your fingers and have everyone and everything bend to your will. At this point, why even collect hybrids, huh? Is that not enough? You need a little servant army to do your bidding too."

"You're jumping to conclusions." He told me, looking hurt.

"Then why do you need them?" I continued. "Caroline is beside herself because her boyfriend is bonded to you! Stop controlling him! Stop controlling all of them! Give them their lives back!"

"Iliana, let us end this discussion before you say something you cannot take back." Klaus said.

"You think because your father didn't love you, that no one else will. So you compel people or you sire them or try to buy them off." I told him. "That's not how it works. The reason you can't connect is because you don't try to understand people!"

"I tried with you." He countered.

"No, you gave up with me." I shot back. "I loved you, Klaus. More than anything. But you got scared and chose to control me like you do everyone else. Sending me away before you had the chance to get too attached or hurt."

"I sent you away so I wouldn't have the chance to hurt you myself." He explained.

"I don't believe you." I said, stepping towards him. "Because if that were really true, I would be here, at this ball with you, and not your brother."

"More on Elijah, I see." Klaus grumbled.

"Don't you dare make this about him when you know I would have given anything to be here with you." I snapped.

"Then why aren't you?"

"Because you broke me, Klaus!" I yelled. "Because of you, I'm scared to feel! My relationship with my sister is ruined because she isn't letting me make my own choices, something that I normally wouldn't give a damn about but because of you it means everything to me."

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