Chapter 17: To Illuminate Your Darkest of Days

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I ran up towards the Original vampire and gave him a tight hug as if my life depended on it. And in those few moments, I felt safe in Elijah's arms.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him in surprise. "Are you staying?"

"I'm not staying, no. I did come to see you, however. I wanted to make sure you were safe. And calm." He said as he pulled away and smiled down at me. "Although seeing as you plan on going into the home where your mentally disturbed guardian resides, I'd say it's your sanity that's in question."

"I'm emancipated." I said as he opened the car door for me.

"Iliana, are you sure about this?" Elijah asked as I began to drive Elena's home where Alaric was.

"Not even a little bit." I answered with a sigh. "But I'm glad you're here. Even if it only is for a little."

"I'll always be near, I promise." He said with a warm smile as I pulled up at the house.

"Now Ric can kill me. So just in case you hear a scream or two, call Elena." I told him. "I can't invite you in to save my life unfortunately."

"If you truly do insist on doing this, then I will do as you ask."

I walked up to the door and took a deep breath as I unlocked the door and came face to face with Alaric. He gave me a smile and I returned a wary one, already feeling uneasy.

"Hey there." He said casually.

"Hey Ric. Where's Meredith?" I asked him.

"Oh, she got called into the hospital for a last-minute surgery." He told me. A blatant lie. Something was wrong. "She'll be back later."

"Okay." I smiled and walked into the kitchen. I knew that in the back of the cabinet there was a knife and he wouldn't suspect."

"Looking for something?" He asked me.

"I just thought I'd make you some coffee." I told him. "You must be absolutely exhausted by now."

"Well while you're at it, can I ask you a question?"


"Do you ever feel remorse?" I paused and turned to face him, my hand fumbling behind me as I tried to pull out a knife from the drawer.

"What do you mean?"

"Looking for this?" He said as he showed me the hidden knife. "Don't you get it? You're a founding family. Your entire legacy is built on protecting people from vampires. But not only do you look the other way, you date them. Look at Elijah, sitting outside in your car, waiting for you. Not to mention your love for Klaus, the worst of them all. You're famous. One well-placed message about vampires and you could end them all. So, I'm asking, do you ever feel remorse? Because you should."

He rushed towards me and stabbed me with the knife, right through my side. I picked up a mug and broke it over his head before rushing to Meredith's bag. I rifled through it as quickly as I could in the hopes of finding a tranquilizer but they had been emptied. I ran towards the stairs but as I leapt up, he grabbed me. I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back before kicking his knee in and pushing him down the stairs. I ran into the bathroom and began locking the doors, I got to final one and Alaric began to push through it. I looked around and found a pair of scissors which I used to slice his hand open. He gritted his teeth in pain and gave me an opportunity to lock the door. I immediately dropped to the floor and began to sob as I saw the blood pour out of my wound. My sobs grew slower and slower as the blood loss caused me to drift into unconsciousness.


"Iliana! Iliana, stay with me." I opened my eyes and saw Meredith applying pressure to my wound with Stefan and Elena behind her. Elena was crying and Meredith looked worried. I wasn't gonna make it.

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