Chapter 6: Cutting Choices

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~Elena POV~

"Okay Esther, cut to the chase." Elena said with a sigh as the Original Witch talked to her. "How are you gonna kill Klaus? He's immortal."

"With time, magic and your assistance." Esther replied.

"What do I have to do with it?" She asked.

"My children believe I'm holding this ball to celebrate our reunion. But in truth I've gathered them together to perform a ritual. The first step requires blood from the doppelgänger." Esther told her. "The true doppelganger."


"Yes." Esther said with a nod. "Only a drop. Its essence will be in the champagne toast later this evening. Elijah is more suspicious than the others, so he may need more persuasion. But they must all drink at the toast in order to be linked as one. Tonight's spell will link my children together so that if one goes, they all go."

"What?" Elena asked in disbelief.

"I love my family, Elena, but they are an abomination. I betrayed nature when I created them. It's my duty to kill them."

"So why am I here and not Iliana?"

"It has come to my understanding that she has more than a little affection for Niklaus. She would never willingly let him die." Esther explained. "You on the other hand..."

"You're asking me to trick my sister." Elena told her, very unsure if she would be able to go through with it.

"Well it's either you or me."

~Iliana POV~

"Liana! Liana! Liana!" I turned around and my sister was chasing me down.

"What is it Lena?"

"I need you to come with me." She pulled me up the staircase with a worried look on her face before locking me inside one of the rooms.

"Elena, what the hell is going on?" I asked her as she picked up a knife.

"I need your blood." She told me.

"You're not a vampire, are you?"

"No, no nothing like that, I just need it." She continued. "I wish I could explain it to you, but you wouldn't understand."

"Don't decide that for me." I said firmly. "Just tell me, you're my sister, whatever it is I can help you."

"Thank you." She pulled me into a hug and I felt a sharp pain in my hand.

"You cut me!" I pulled away from her and stared down at the gash on my palm.

"I know, I'm sorry. But if I didn't do this, I'd die." She said apologetically.

"Just tell me!"

"I can't!"

"If you really cared about me, then you would tell me." I pleaded.

"It's because I really care about you, that I can't tell you." She came close and tried to take my hand but I stepped away from her.

"Don't touch me." I said, glaring at her. "Or talk to me for that matter."

"You don't mean that." She said sadly.

"You bet I damn well do!" I snapped. "You sent Jeremy away, you stole my blood and you hid half of your life away from me. You treat me like I'm nothing to you."

"You're my sister."

"Not anymore."

I walked out of the room and ran straight into Elijah. He shot me a warm smile and led me down the steps.

"Did you hear all that?" I asked him.

"Just the closing statements." He said with a curt nod. "As someone who's had more than their fair share of sibling disputes, I think you should give your sister a chance."

"No, she should give me one!" I told him. "She never trusts me with her secrets and she makes my choices for me. I can't stand it."

"I see that choice is very important to you." He told me.

"When I left for Hollywood the first time, I felt like I was being forced out of my own home." I explained. "My parents begged me to stay but Elena said I should go. So, I did. And then they died. Because I didn't have the balls to say that I didn't wanna leave. People make choices for me and it still ends up being my fault. What happens if Jeremy dies? That'll be my fault."

"Do not think like that." He took my hand and gazed into my eyes. "Your brother is not going to die any time soon. And the death of your parents was an unfortunate accent, you were not at fault. No one was."

"Thank you, Elijah." I said with a smile as Esther began a toast. He grabbed a drink for us both and we held it up in a toast. "Can you make me a promise?"

"Depends on the promise."

"Promise that you will never make a choice for me. Ever."

"I promise, Iliana."

A/N: Okay, that's me for the week! I hope you enjoyed! Who are you guys leaning towards? Team Elijah or Team Klaus? Let me know what you think in the comments!

I hope you enjoyed! If you did, please vote, comment and follow! Love you as always! Until next time! X

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