(3) Time For Fun

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Wild Pursuers
::chapter 3::




"Hot skirt you got there, princess."

The girl looked down to see her classmate, Park Jimin, sitting on the floor and underneath her standing figure. She gasped and moved away swiftly, along with her friends.

"Stick your nose somewhere else, Park Jimin." She said, involuntarily pulling down her skirt out of caution.

This was a normal scene in Park Jimin's second-year class. With a known perverted delinquent sauntering around and violating girls every chance he gets, wariness is always seen.

"Are you suggesting something sensual? Can I stick my nose in places that would make you scream in a different kind of way perhaps?" Jimin smirked.

The girl and her friends looked absolutely disgusted, making Jimin smirk wider. The girl made an attempt to hit him, but before she could, Jimin grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his sitting figure. Too close for comfort.

He breathed in, "You smell like vanilla, little lady. What an innocent scent."

The girl looked taken aback but slightly blushed, pushing herself away. "Whatever, let's go away from here girls." The groups of girls then proceeded to move away.

Jimin scoffed to himself, standing up and dusting his pants, before making his way out of his classroom and into the bathroom. He needed to pee badly.

While Jimin was finishing up his business, he heard someone enter.

Jungkook stared at Jimin who didn't see him yet. He cringed, not wanting to cross paths with his ridiculous friend.

He made attempt to turn back and exit the bathroom, but was caught nonetheless.

"Oi, Jungkookie! Great seeing you here!" Jimin hollered from behind Jungkook.

Jungkook cursed silently, pinching the bridge of his nose. He turned back to Jimin and mustered a smile.

Jungkook always tried to avoid Jimin in bathrooms, knowing what perversion that guy would introduce to him. This was apparently his unlucky day.

"Hyung, you're here." Jungkook greeted, moving to a stall farthest away from Jimin.

Unluckily, Jimin was done using his stall and moved to the stall beside Jungkook, leaning his shoulder on the wall and facing the younger one.

Jungkook looked visibly uncomfortable. Jimin eyed the south then grinned heavily, nodding his head, "Nice."

Jungkook cringed. Oh how much he wanted to leave.

Just then did both of them hear a familiar voice booming from the speakers. They looked at each other, thinking the same thing.

Namjoon was in the broadcast room.


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