Chapter 16

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The next day she woke up to a knock at her bedroom door. As she slowly got up to answer her bedroom door she put on her slippers and made way towards it. Opening the door she looked up to see Sebastian dressed up in sports wear. He had on a white shirt along with sports leggings.

Sebastian," Good Morning Beautiful!"

Still sleepy ,

Anna," Ughh, Bash. What time is it?"

Sebastian, " Oh your calling me bash now?!"

Still sleepy ,

Anna, " Yeah, What time is it?"

Sebastian," Time for you to get some training"

Anna," Ok  i'll be down in five minutes."

She lied, she was really sleepy this time, she only wanted Sebastian out of her sight for the moment. She really wasn't a morning person at all.

Sebastian," Good, I'll be waiting and counting!"

Closing her door, he left the hallway making his way down to the backyard. Once the door was closed she went to her bed as sleep consumed her once again. Enveloping herself with the soft sheets.

Five minutes passed and Annabeth was not in the backyard. Wasting no more time Sebastian ran up the stairs and opened her bedroom door. He saw a calm Anna sleeping on her bed. Feeling sorry for what he was about to do he turned on the bedroom lights and went into her bathroom grabbing a near by cup. He filled it with cold water and came back into her bedroom.

Whispering to himself.

Sebastian, "Im so sorry Anna."

He poured some of the contents onto Annabeth's face as she began to wake up. She shot up from the bed,

Anna, " WHAT THE HELL SEBASTIAN!" she tried to shrug away the water droplets as they fell off her face and shirt.

He got up and placed the cup on her bedside table. The cup had half of its contents spilled on to Anna.

Sebastian, " You told me you where going to be at the backyard in five minutes. Time is crucial Anna. You need to train."

Mad at him but knowing he was right,

Anna, " Ugh, I know! Why didn't you just shake me awake?!"

Sebastian, "Because you looked so cute and peaceful asleep."

In a joking tone,

Anna," Aww really?" saying that she grabbed the cup of water and poured it on his head.

Sebastian, " WHAT THE HECK ANNA!!"

Anna, " What?! You did it to me."

She referred to her soaking wet shirt and pajama pants.

Sebastian," Ok! well played! Now go get changed. I'll be waiting right here for you."

Anna,"Ok? I'll be back then but first." She held her hand out and with a quick movement of her hand Sebastian's shirt was dry.

Anna," There you go. Ill be right back"

Making her way towards her walk in closet she found some running shoes, comfortable grey short pants and a white breathable shirt. She changed into them and walked out to see Sebastian flipping through a book titled "Divergent".

Anna, "Like what you're reading? If you like it you can borrow it."

Sebastian, " Hmm, its interesting I guess I'll save it for later then."

The Lost Princess of Majestinia Part 1 (Part 2 Coming Soon) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now