Chapter 11

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Anna followed Sebastian to the back yard where a glass box stood sort of like an arena but not that big. It was sort of like  a glass box used for training .  Sebastian went over to a corner and grabbed several mats placing them together to form a big square.

Sebastian," Ok,  We are going to stretch and afterwards I want you to do Thirty crunches and thirty squats. Make sure you are tightening your abdomen while doing so and  keep perfect position."

Not wanting to start on a bad foot anyways, she began to stretch as so did Sebastian. Deciding she was done with the stretching she sat on the mat.

Sebastian, " Ill hold you're ankles so that you don't move."

Anna, " Got it"

Sebastian held Annabeth's ankles as she laid down on the mat and began to do crunches.

She continued doing the thirty crunches as Sebastian counted how many she did so far. When she got to twenty two crunches Annabeth was very tired and wanted to stop but Sebastian only motioned her to continue. Once Annabeth got to thirty crunches and Sebastian let go of her ankles she just laid on the mat exhausted.

Anna,"Dont mind me I'm just going to stay here laying down."

Sebastian,"Haha OK five minutes and only five."

Sebastian also laid down next to her as she felt butterflies in her stomach and blushed. She was good at hiding her emotions from her friends like Max, that's how she got away with things back home. But this time she wasn't sure if the blushing came from tiredness or her little crush on Sebastian. Both stared up at the ceiling taking advantage of the five minutes. Time ran out and the five minutes ended as Sebastian got up.

Anna," So what's next? are we finally going to fight?"

Sebastian," We are going to fight but first i'm going to show you how to knock someone down and the basics of knocking people down, tackling, kicks and then some sword fighting basics."

Anna was happy and excited to learn how to do all of this, considering she's only seen fighting in the movies. Sebastian went around Annabeth and showed her how to grab her opponent and ways to hit them and pressure points she can use to knock them out. At various occasions Annabeth laughed at the ways she had to grab Sebastian, but she often couldn't knock him down because he was very strong and very hard to knock out on to the floor. Sebastian showed her how to knock her opponents from the back and the many ways to fight when fighting face to face.

Sebastian," Not so easy is it?!"

Anna," Nope! because you're too strong and grounded! That's Why!"

Sebastian," Here i'll show you, you need to hit with the full arm and make sure you push the ankles enough to knock the person down, try with me"

Annabeth tried to knock Sebastian to the ground using all her strength and actually knocked him down two times. When she finally did she laughed at Sebastian as he fell down. He then took it as a chance to knock her off her feet and fell with a thud.


Anna," Ahh, SEBASTIAN! "

She grabbed his legs and made him fall down and laughed when Sebastian fell with a thud to the ground.


Anna,"GOT YOU!"

Sebastian," Ok you got me because I let you, but try to tackle me, NOW!"

The Lost Princess of Majestinia Part 1 (Part 2 Coming Soon) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now