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Christopher Brown

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Christopher Brown

Walking off the elevator, I headed over to Sydney's company. When I got inside I walked up to the secretary. "Hi, I'm looking for Sydney."

"I can see if she's available, your name?"


She nodded before picking up the phone. "Ms. Michaels, I have a Chris that's here to see you...Okay." She hung up. "She said you can come back."

"Thanks." I gave her a quick smile then headed to the back. Where her stylists sat it was dope, there was a door to the left that looked like a showroom then to your right it was Sydney's office. I could see her writing something, looking focused as hell.

As I walked by people just whispered and stared. These are stylists so I'm sure they know exactly who I am. I looked over and saw the girl that Sydney was out with the night I ran into her. I was going to speak but the look on her face had me thinking she was about to beat my ass. I sized her up before walking into Syd's office. "Hey baby."

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

I leaned over her desk and kissed her lips. "I thought I'd come chill with you until you got off. You got about 30 minutes left."

"Aww that's sweet, but no food though."

"I got yo greedy ass when we leave." I walked over to her chair, making her stand up, then I sat down and pulled her on my lap. "Aye what's up with ol' girl?"


"The chick you went out to dinner with. I looked at her while I was walking in here and if looks could kill I'd probably be dead. What I do to her?"

"She really really wanted me to date her brother but things haven't been going too well with that and you're back in the picture. She's like super pissed about it."

"You sure she didn't like you her damn self?"

Sydney shrugged. "Who knows. She overstepped her boundaries a little bit today but I'm not about to stress it. If she wanna be mad, it should be at her brother. He got my attention but didn't keep it."

"None of that shit even matters no more anyway, daddy's home now. All of these niggas can hang it up." I kissed the back of her neck causing her to laugh. "I did want to talk to you about something though."

"What's that?"

"I got a private jet for my flight to Dominican Republic and I'd really love if you flew with me. So that means you would have to fly to New York with me tomorrow."

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