While You Were Gone

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Talia was sat at the table, her head in her hands.  I could hear small sniffles and I knew she was still crying a bit.  I walked up slowly.  She lifted her gaze to meet mine.  Her eyes were already red and swollen.  I smiled softly and leaned down to hug her.  She hugged me back. 


“Shhh calm down.  It’s going to be ok.”

“It’s not though.”  She snapped pushing me back so we could see each other again.

“Kelly its fine.  Boys fight.”

“No fighting Kelly.  I’m serious it’s the rules.  And people saw.  Once Liam finds out…Its all over.”  She got quiet her hand coming up to her mouth.  I bit my lip taking in exactly what she said.  Something was going to happen.

“I don’t know what to do.”  She said looking up at me, her hand cupped over her mouth.

“Talia you have to calm down.”

“I can’t lose them Kelly.”


“I’m so confused.”  She said walking over to get a drink.

I waited until she downed the water in the cup before I spoke again.

“What happened?”  She turned to face me, placing her hands on the counter and leaning back. 

“After you left, Calum came back.  I guess he was waiting outside and saw Luke coming so he knew Id let him back in.”  I nodded.  “So when he knocked I let him in.”

“How did this whole friendship between you two start anyways?”  I wanted to know before she got into the fight thing.  When I left they had just met each other.  And now they were close.  Close enough for her to invite him to our house.  Now I know she had down that with me, but it was sort of common knowledge you don’t really do that around here.  They seemed comfortable with each other.  A little too comfortable.  I felt bad a bit for Niall, but at the same time I could understand the feeling of being torn.

“Well he came to work; I guess since he was sort of out of commission for labor with his arm being hurt they decided it would probably be the best for him to help out in the sick house.  And so he was with me, because I know the most I guess.”  She shrugged looking down at the ground. 

“So what you guys just chatted.”

“Kelly I knew it was him from the moment I saw him the night of the bonfire.  But I was…It scared the shit out of me….Why did I know him?”

I bit my lip.  I knew right now it wasn’t about me but inside I was screaming I know how you feel.  But I stayed quiet because she needed this.  I could see it all over her face.  She had been letting all of this bubble inside.  I knew that feeling too.  Maybe when I get here or before she can save me from myself.

“He kept looking at me.  I could feel is big brown eyes on me everywhere.  And normally this would freak me out.  I hate when people stare at me.  Even Niall and he does it a lot.  I just…I hate being the center of anyone’s attention.  But his gaze felt amazing.  I love knowing he is looking at me.  And I would stare at him.  And…Kelly he is so beautiful.  Even though he is all beat up and what not.  It’s like I can see more than the outside.  It’s like I already know him.  I know I know him.  Does that make sense?” 

“Totally.”  I said quickly.  She looked up at me.  And a smirk came to her face. 

“So he walked me home that night.  I was worried because word had gotten around town that you guys had never come home.  I thought I had lost you.  And it sucked because…You are one of the only girls I have gotten close to.  To be honest a lot of the girls around here don’t like me much?”

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