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That night…The Night he kissed me, it changed everything.  Not that there was much to change since for all I knew my life had only just began a few days ago.  But in the couple of days I knew Luke I had felt so many things for him, and now they were all jumbled up in my head.  When I first met him, the day we woke up and began this new life, I didn’t like him.  At least for most of the day.  He was arrogant and sort of an ass.  How did I go from that, to this new feeling of needing him?  I craved him to be honest.  I should have kissed him back.  But what did he mean I was his and he was mine.  Was he saying we were coupled before?  I mean in our past life was that really a thing?  I don’t know why but things felt different than they were before.  I couldn’t recall my past life.  I had that small memory.  The flash as I referred to it in my mind.  But other than that nothing.  And yet when I discovered new things, like this whole coupling idea, it just didn’t seem right.  Like maybe my brain was trying to make me realize that something wasn’t how it was.  I would just have to talk to Luke.  He needed to explain what he was talking about.  And I needed to try and sleep.  If I wasn’t going to be a finder, I was going to have to figure out some sort of way to contribute. 

The next morning Talia woke we early, the sun was barley out.  The sky was a soft grayish blue color.  I climbed of my hammock and walked over to the table where Carissa was eating some weird gooey looking stuff.  She handed me a bowl and I took a few bites.  I mostly just sipped on the cup of water though.  I stayed quiet as did they.  Talia had been out sort of late.  In fact Carissa and I had long gone to bed before she was home.  But I was still awake since I had so much on my mind, sleep did not come easy.  But I didn’t let her know I was asleep. 

 Once we had cleaned up we headed out.  I found out Carissa was a scavenger.  She was supposed to go out to the woods and find berries and other fruits for food.  It sounded easy enough so I figured maybe I could try it.  But apparently it was a lot more tedious then I had thought.  They had this book they had found that was all about the different plants and what not and before they would let me out of Afton to scavenge I had to memorize it.  I soon found the whole thing exhausting and decided to go find Talia. 

I was a bit annoyed to find out that Luke and Harry had left well before sunrise to begin “finding” people.  I had so many questions for Luke.  And he wouldn’t be home till around dusk.  I guess that explains why being  finder was not the most wanted job.  You are gone all day long.  But why wasn’t allowed to go with him?

Talia was worked in the sick house as they called it.  People would come in if they didn’t feel well or if they got hurt doing their work and they would help them.  I did ok until someone came in with a huge cut on the hand.  I took one look at the blood and I was out.  Yes I fainted.  I’m not one for blood.  I woke up about an hour later.  I noticed a commotion a few beds away and even though I still felt nauseous I climbed out of the bed and walked over to where everyone was.  When I got closer to the group I saw Luke standing on the other side of the bed, his arms crossed and he looked really concerned, staring at the bed.  I looked down to see a guy with dark hair lying on the bed.  Something must have caught his eye because he glanced up and noticed me.  I smiled softly at him and after another moment of looking at me he lifted one of his hands in a small wave.  I did the same.  He pointed towards the door and I nodded and made my way around the bed, following him outside.

“Hey.”  He said quietly once we were outside.

“What was all of that?”  I asked pointing with my thumb back towards the building.

“We found him.  He was beat up pretty bad, the girl he was with didn’t make it.”

The guy on the bed had been beaten up.  And his partner was dead.  That could have easily been Luke and I.  I realized then how thankful I was for him looking out for me.  I looked down at the ground feeling sort of weirded out at the thought that we could have easily died on our way to Afton.

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