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Lexa brought all of us, Lincoln too, back to a room. There was no windows, just a door. The door had 2 armed guards outside.

"What the hell do we do?" Octavia asks

"I need to talk to Lexa. Alone...." I cut her off

"Wait Clarke no. It's to dangerous."

"I can make a deal with her. She trusts me." She tells me

"Clarke you can't....." She cuts me off

"Bellamy." She walk over and lazily rests her hands on my shoulders "I can do this. I have to. For all of us."

I give her a kiss and nod. "I trust you."

She walks over to the door and beats it a couple times. "Hey! Open this damn door."

Nobody opens it. She starts punching the door harder. "Hey! I know your out there!"

After a few minutes the guards open the door. "What?"

"Bring me to Lexa." Clarke demands

The guard move in closer to her bit she stands her ground "Bring me to Lexa."


"Bring me to Lexa." Clarke says again moving closer to the guards.

They grab her arms "follow us."

They pull her out of the room and slam the door behind them

"You trust Lexa now?" Octavia smirks

"No. I trust Clarke." I tell her sitting down on a chair that's in the room

The guards led me down the hallway and in this room. They close the door and push me forward. 4 guards move to the side of the room revealing Lexa. She's sitting in her throne messing with her knife.

"What do you want Clarke?"

"I want you to let me and my people go." I tell her

"No." She blankly says

"What if we make a deal?" I ask

"What kind of deal?" She stabs her knife into the arm of the chair and stands up

"Anything. As long as me and my people get to go home."

"You stay here and your people leave." She says

"Why the hell would I stay here?" I scoff at her

"We need a healer. Your people killed ours." She told me

"If I did this, would I be able to go back to my people whenever I want for however long I want?" I ask

"You would not be a prisoner." She says

"I have to think it over." I said.

I turned to the guards that brought me to Lexa. "Bring me back."

"Stop." Lexa shouted "Free her people. Lock her up."

"Lexa no! I thought.." she cut me off

"I gave you a choice. You didn't choose correctly. Now, you are a prisoner."

They drug me away and locked me into a room. "Hey! No! You can't fucking do this! Lexa!! Let me out!!"

I fell to the ground, there was nothing I could do. I started crying. I didn't know what to do.

"It's been to long." I blurt

"Patient O. It's gonna be okay." Bellamy reassures me

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