Landing: part 1

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It was a bumpy ride. The lights turned off and never came back on. At one point a boy, really cute I should add, unbuckled his seat belt and was floating around the ship.

"Hi, I'm prisoner 457. No wait, actually, I'm Finn." He says smiling

I can't help but smile and blush a little.

"See ya around princess." He says with a smirk that was adorable, yet somehow annoying, before he floated off.

I couldn't hear anything that was going on besides the occasional scream. That didn't matter to me as long as I got to see Clarke and my sister.

We've officially landed on earth. I felt the drop ship land and hit earth. I couldn't help but smile, knowing I'm just a short few minutes I was going to be on the earth. 

I undo my seatbelt along with everyone else. I get up to walk to the door when I see Bellamy.
Bellamy? What is he doing here? He better not if got himself arrested.

I take a few steps closer, "Bellamy?" I say quiet but loud enough for the whole ship to hear.

"That's the girl who hid under the floor.L
"Floor girl!"

I hear shouts coming from every direction. I ignore them as I am to focused on my brother.

"Octavia!" He says holding out his arms.

I ran up to him and give him the biggest hug ever.

"I've missed you Bell." I say tears stroking down my face.

"You have a boyfriend, nice." Jasper says with a smirk on his face.

"Ewww no, this is my brother."

"Open the door."
"Hurry up."

Octavia's brother, whose name I think is Bell, opens the drop ship door. It's brighter then anything I've seen, the sky is a beautiful light blue, the grass a beautiful dark and light green, purple and blue flowers growing all around the place. The sun so hot and bright shining down on us. It was the best thing ever.

Octavia walks slowly down the hatch and out of the ship. Everyone else stays in the ship. Octavia jumps off the hatch, officially standing on earth. She takes in a deep breath. A huge smile appeared across her face, she raises her arms, and screams "were back Bitches!!"

Everyone running off the ship. Some smelling the flowers. Others running around just looking at everything. Some bending to touch the soil and the grass, but everyone, just so damn happy and free.

Ive seen my sister. I've smelled and seen earth. It was beautiful, it was all so bright and beautiful. Now the only thing left was to find Clarke. I couldn't wait to kiss her and hold her on my arms again.

For all it's faults.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ