Little Trouble in Paradise

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It's been 7 days since we've been at our camp. We decided against going back to Polis for a while. Lexa didn't like it, but she understood it. Me and Clarke finally had our moment about 3 days ago. Since we've been back me and Clarke hardly see each other during the day. Then we're both so tired at night we just fall asleep. Clarke had been busy in the drop ship helping all the sick and wounded. I'm busy helping the guard rebuild the fence. They didn't think we built it good enough. I didn't understand why they were rebuilding it. They all agreed on going to live at the ark once it was fixed and a fence was built.

"Hey can we talk?" I hear someone say behind me

I turn around and see Harper. "Yea what's up?"

"I'm worried about Clarke. Have you talked to her lately?" She sits down on a nearby log. I join her

"Not much more than a good morning and goodnight. And a few waves and smiles through the day." I tell her. "Why?"

"She hasn't eaten or drank anything in 2 days and she seems really pale." Harper tells me "Bellamy she doesn't look good."

"Okay, I'll go check on her. Thank you Harper." I say standing up

She smiles and walks away. I make my way to the dropship. When I get in there Clarke is extremely pale and sweaty. Its not even hot in here, it's more cold. Her hands are shaky and she can't stand for longer than a few minutes before having to sit down. I grab a thing of water and walk over to her.

"Drink." I say putting the cup in her face

"No. Save the water." She pushes the cup away from her

"Clarke your over doing it. You dehydrated and need to drink." I tell her

"Bellamy just get out." She turns around and starts doing something.

I grab her shoulders and turn her to face me. "The drink wasn't a suggestion."

Get out of here Bellamy. Your just in the way." She snaps at me

I sigh. "Clarke seriously you need to rest. Get a drink and something to eat. Please I'm worried about you."

"I'm fine! Can't you see all these people in here need me. My mom is off god knows where and I'm the only damn person who can help them! I can't just abandon them. Now please Bellamy just get out." She yells and knocks the cup out of my hand.

"Clarke..." I start.

She cuts me off. "Leave Bellamy. Your in my way. There are sick people in here. Go back to building the stupid wall." She yells again

"You should really get something to drink and eat." I say

"Just get out Bellamy." She says

I don't say another thing and walk out. What was wrong with her? I didn't do anything wrong. She was probably stressed. I tried not to be to mad. I run into Harper and Monty while leaving the drop ship.

"Hey we heard yelling. Everything okay?" Harper asks

"It's Clarke." I sigh "she's not well."

"Bring her back to Polis." Monty blurts out

I should probably mention, the whole camp knows about me and Clarke staying at Polis. We decided to tell them so they wouldn't worry. It took a while but they finally agreed and don't have a problem any more.

"I should." I plainly say

"Tonight, take her and go. Don't come back until she's back to normal. We can survive without you 2 for a while." Harper reassures me

I smile at them and walk off. I wanted to bring her back to Polis. I didn't know how I was going too get her to leave with me.

I sit down around the fire pit. Murphy and Miller walk up to me with glasses of moonshine. Murphy hands me one and they sit down next to me.

"What's up man?" Miller asks

"Clarke's not good. She's dehydrated and starved. She would take a break and it's worrying me." I tell them

"She's strong." Miller try's to reassure me

"She's also stubborn." I say

I look at Murphy who had a face like he's thinking really hard. I laugh a little and then ask him.

"Hey Murphy, what ya thinking about.?"

"I can help you with your girl troubles." He states

"What?" Miller questions

Without answering Murphy gets up and walks away. I would chase after him but I wasn't in the mood.

"Should I be worried?" I ask Miller

"I don't even know." He says

We both laugh and drink out moonshine.

Hearing Bellamy talk about Clarke I saw how much she meant to him in his eyes. I considered Bellamy one of my closest friends. So I decided to help him out. I looked around camp until I found someone I was looking for.

"Dax!" I yelled

Dax came over and I told him about how he would get Clarke to Bellamys tent. And I would handle the rest.

He walked away and went to the drop ship.

I was in the drop ship tending to someone's leg when I'm lifted off the ground.

"Hey put me down." I yell

He doesn't respond and he walks out of the drop ship. I kicking him and yell at him to put me down. He doesn't listen. He brings me to Bellamys tent. He lays me down on Bellamys bed and I'm to tired and weak to try to run. He covers me in one of the blankets Bellamy had. He leaves and Bellamy and Murphy come in. Seeing Bellamy made tears form in my eyes. I remembered how harsh I treated him earlier.

"Hey Princess." Bellamy sits down next to me

"Did you do this?" I ask Murphy

"I put it together. I'll leave you 2 alone." Murphy walks out

"Bellamy I'm so sorry." I start, he cuts me off

"Here." He hands me something to eat and some water.

I eat it and lay back down. "Bellamy I'm sorry for how I treated you in the drop ship."

He lays down next to me. I curl up next to him and lay my head on his chest. "It's okay Princess. But we're going back to Polis. Tonight."

"What? Bellamy no." I start freaking out. "People here need me and I'm..."

He shuts me up with a kiss. "They will be fine Clarke. Get some rest. Long ride ahead of us.

I sighs and closes my eyes. Within seconds I and fast asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I love reading people's comments, comment and vote pleaseee💜

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