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When we got back to camp Abby and Kane were instantly questioning us asking where Clarke and Bellamy where.

"Their safe. That's all I'm saying. Now please I'm hungry and don't feel like being asked a million questions." I state walking off and ignoring them

"Octavia she's my daughter. I have a right to know." Abby snaps at me

I ignore her and keep walking. I felt bad. She really did deserve to know, but I couldn't be the one to tell her. I walked to my tent and lashed down. Lincoln walked in and Mayes beside me.

"Why am I still tired?" I joked

"Go to sleep." He kissed my forehead and I fell asleep

Riding on horses made the trip fast. It was almost a days walk from camp to Polis on foot. When we arrived at the front gate it didn't open. Me and Bellamy got off the horses.

"Come back in 3 days." I told them

"No. Lexa said you have today and tomorrow. We go back tomorrow night." One of the riders said

"So your gonna Wait here til then?" Bellamy asked. The rider nodded

Me and Bellamy sighed and yelled to the guard to open the gate. When the gate was opened we were greeted by my mother and Kane.

"Clarke." She hugged

I pulled away.

"Clarke talk to me." She pleaded

"No." I walked away

I headed to my tent and Bellamy followed. We sat down on my bed. It took almost all day to get here and it was getting dark.

"Princess." Bellamy quietly said

"Yes?" I turned my head to look at him

"I think I like it when we're alone better." He smiled

"Like Polis alone?" I asked

"No. Like out in the woods by ourselves. That alone." He said

"Ohhh." I smirked

"Let's do it. Tonight, me and you we just leave and start a new life where we aren't responsible for everyone else. Only the 2 of us." He smiled

"Bellamy, I would love to. But I have my mom and you have Octavia. It just wouldn't work. We can leave and be alone whenever we want." I tell him

"Your probably right." He whines

"I'm always right." I joke

"You wish princess." He kissed me

We went to bed so we could wake up early and enjoy the time we had with our friends before we had to leave. I realized something while I was laying there

"Bellamy!" I say sitting up

"I was almost asleep what is it?" He says

"We were told we could come here whenever and for however long. I'm not leaving tomorrow, I'm staying longer." I declared

"Your totally right. Let's stay." He says

I laugh and lay back down. "Your cute when your tired."

"I hate you." Bellamy whispers

"You do not. You love me." I kiss him "goodnight."

I lay my head on his bare chest and listen to his breathing. It calmed me and made me feel safe. I new as long as I had Bellamy by my side nothing could hurt me and I could do anything. I loved Bellamy and I don't know how I got so lucky. He wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep.

It was just starting to get day light. I woke up and Clarke was still asleep. I kissed the top of her head. I just payed there playing with her hair. I don't know why she ever fell for me. I was a dick to her at first. When my mother was floated and my sister locked up I was in a really dark place. All alone with no one. Clarke was trying and I pushed her away. I'm really glad she didn't s are easy. She was determined to be my friend and she became everything to me. I never thought I was capable of loving anyone other than my sister. Or loving anyone as much as I love Clarke. Clarke has shown me that I deserve more than just pain and she has given that to me. I love Clarke with every nerve in my body. I would do anything to protect her. I'd die before I let anyone hurt her. I loved her so much.

"What you thinking about?" Clarke asked in her adorable morning voice

"Us." I said

"What about us?" She smiled

"When we first met. Years ago on the ark. You tried to be my friend and I pushed you away and acted like a total dick to you, why did you keep pushing to be my friend?" I asked

She sat up and looked at me, "I had a friend on the ark, she was a few years older than me. She stole some food one time for one of her friends who wasn't being fed. The chancellor found out and locked her up. 3 months later she turned 18. She was floated. I didn't have anyone to help me through that. My parents didn't care and I hadn't met Wells yet. When I saw you, it reminded me of what I went though. And how I was all alone. I knew you needed someone to be there for you. Even if you didn't admit it." She told me

"I am so sorry princess." I gave her a kiss and hugged her

"It's okay, I met wells a few weeks after and he helped me a little I guess." She told me

"What was her name?" I asked

"Thalia." She smiled

"What was she like?" I pulled her close and she rested her head on my chest and told me about Thalia

"She was the best. She was always putting others before her self. She was kind, caring, beautiful, smart and stubborn. But all in a good way. Her parents were floated and I met her only a few days after at the mess hall. She was interested in being a doctor, so she would come with me to my mom and help in the medical center some times. My mom never liked that we were friends since she was a few years older than me. So my mother was glad when Thalia was no longer part of my life. There's so many good things to say about Thalia. Hardly any bad." Clarke told me.

I could hear he voice crack and I knew she was crying. I kissed the top of her head. "I wish I got to meet her. She sounds amazing."

"She was the best friend any one could have." She sniffled

We lashed there until Clarke stopped crying. Then we got up and had to face the day.

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