The eacape

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Since Maya couldn't leave the mountain without dying, she had to stay. Which meant i has to say goodbye. I knew I'd never see her again, so I made the goodbye quick and painless. I tried to get mad at her, so it would hurt less, but I couldn't.

"Hey Maya."

"Hey Jasper. Ready to get out of here?"

"Ready to see my friends. Not ready to leave you." I say walking toward her

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me."

We kiss each other then walk over to the others.

"Okay here's the plan." Maya starts "I'll sneak you guys Into were we bleed the savages. It will be disturbing just ignore it. Then, once we're in there, there will be a door. You guys will go inside, I'll stay on this side of the door. Once your all in I press a big red button, the floor will fall out from underneath you. You'll land in the reaper caves."

And when we do come across a reaper, do what you said got it." Octavia says

"Okay, there is 2 ways out of the cave. 1 way leads you to a super tall waterfall, the other one leads you about 3 miles away from your camp. I don't know which way is which, so just walk until you find away out. Once you find a way out, use it. Don't change your minds and try to find the other one." Maya states "once the guards know your gone they will go look for you. Which is why you have to leave as quick as possible."

"Let's do this." Bellamy says. We all stand up and follow Maya.

She leads us down a few hallways and through a couple doors. Once we're all inside the harvest chamber she locks the doors.

"Here it is. That door there. When your all ready knock 3 times, I'll knock 2 times and then press the button." Maya tells us

Everyone gets in and hold the door for me. I cup Maya's face in my hands and pull her in and kiss her. "May we meet again."'I say leaning my forehead against hers. We both let a tear slid down our cheek

"We wount." She says her voice cracking.

"Jasper let's go." Murphy demands

"Give him a minute. He's saying good bye." Bellamy says slapping Murphy on the head.

"Jasper, I know you love her, but Murphy's right. We have to go. Now." Octavia says

I kiss Maya one more time. I pull away "I love you."

"I love you too Jasper. Now go, go back to your home. Your friends." She says holding back her tears

I wave at Maya and close the door. I want to cry but I know I have to stay strong. My friends needed me. Clarke knocks 3 times, we hear 2 knocks back and the floor falls out from under us.

I let go of Jasper, knowing that I'd never see his face or his smile again. Never get to hear his voice, or his adorable laugh. Never get to touch him, kiss him, get lost in his eyes ever again. My head broke. As soon as they were in and the door was closed my tears started to stain my face.

I heard 3 knocks, I knocked back twice. I wanted Jasper to stay, with me. But I knew that was selfish. And I knew if he did the guard would take him and kill him. I pressed that red button, and I heard the gasps and screams from all of them.

I walked out of the harvest chamber, I put my hood up and hurried back to my room. When I got there my dad was asleep on the couch. I snuck passed and went to my room. I fell on my bed and started sobbing. I curled up in a ball when I felt something in my pocket. I reached in and pulled out an envelope with my name on it.

It had a letter from all of them, just thanking me for helping them and becoming there friend and stuff. Then I puked our another piece of paper. It was a drawing of Jasper. I started to cry even harder. I turned it over and there was writing, I read it.

Dear Maya,
Thank you for everything that you did for all of us. You didn't even know us and you helped us. I wish we didn't have to leave, but unfortunately we had too. Maybe if you ever get cured, which you probably won't. Okay, so feel free to come to to our camp, if you can find it, and say hi to Jasper. I know he's really love to see your face after all this is over. Anyway, I knew you'd want something to remember Jasper by, and I had a lot of free time, so I drew you a picture of him. So you'll never forget him. I drew a picture of you that I'll give to Jasper once we get home. He love you Maya. Thank you again for helping and caring about us. None of us will ever forget you and what you did for us. May we meet again,
Clarke Griffin.

I smiled and started crying even harder, which I didn't think was possible. I put the picture on my night stand and went to sleep. It was only like 3 in the afternoon but all I wanted to do was sleep.

"Stay together, don't split up." I whispered

We all walk pretty close together. We walked for about an hour before coming across an exit.

"This way I see light!" Clarke exclaims before taking off running. We all follow

"It's an exit. Come on." Octavia says

When we get to the light, thankfully it's not the waterfall. We all climb out of the tunnels and we're free.

We all fall to the ground and let out a-little chuckle.

"We're free!" Jasper says

"Howling were you guys even in there?" Miller asks

"About 2 weeks, maybe less." Clarke answers

"I beat you all, I was in there 3 weeks." Miller says. Nobody responded.

"How long until we're home." Murphy asks

"3 miles." Octavia says

Clarke stands up and walks over to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist.

"We're going home princess." I smile

"Yes we are. And we can be alone all we want now." She smiled back at me

Before I get the chance to kiss her we all hear a twig snap in the woods, causing everyone to jump up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 chapters, maybe more idk yet, in one day. Because I haven't been uploading as much and I'm sorry.

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